Chris T.E.

Muah ha ha! Fuzzy people are dominating my paper...
Muah ha ha! Fuzzy people are dominating my paper... by @CoolKidCoco (Chris T.E.)

coff Um... Hi. coff I haven't really done many pics of my own characters lately... let alone my Klonoa chars... Let's see, I have... one out of date pic of my characters... shrugs Why out of date? coff Some of them changed...

Anyway, I decided to draw Kelenco. Yep. Why? He's probably my fav made up character giggle giggle He's Klonoa's guardian angel (yes, he's dead, and he has been for 3011 years. :-p muah ha ha but, his body and maturity grows very slowly; his body's now at age seventeen). He came from a land where everyone used swords all the time, so there for, his main weapon (besides his ring; he's a Dream Traveler too) is a wind sabre in the same color as his ring (red muah ha ha). And being from an ancient time (and using a sword to begin with) makes it that he can't handle a gun for the life of him. Despite his, uh, 'serious' role, he's more the comic relief than anything... When it isn't a time of peril, or when he doesn't have to put a lot of thought into things, he's basically the idiot of the group. And a lot of the time, Klonoa tries to teach him how to play volleyball... but it's kinda hard since Kel's kinda never even heard of it (modern times sure are mean to an old-timer, eh? lol ...I talk WAAAAY too much. lmao Artwork © Copyright 2002 Chris T.E.

21y203d ago
Other Work By @CoolKidCoco

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