Tara Reynolds

Chaos...flying...magically by @tarareyn (Tara Reynolds)

Okie...this ish my newest art project since..I just got back into art...class thingy...um yeah

Our first project for this semester was to draw a picture 4 times and color differently each time (pencil, charcoal, marker, watercolors) this one's the pencil one..since it's the only one I have done so far oO;;; I may scan the others..I may not...blah

anyways...Chaos is flying..somehow...wif one tail oO; originally he was just leaping..but the teacher liked the swirly thing better..and I didn't feel like drawing someone else..so I just..made Chaos fly..magically o_o

and now I notice that I forgot the little...stripe thing on his head...and I colored his left shoe wrong >< o well..I'll fix it in the other..3 copies dies

Finished Work
22y179d ago
Other Work By @tarareyn

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