Illusion's Paradox

Cyronil by @IllusionsParadox (Illusion's Paradox)

Well lets start off with the basics.... Cyronil ”Cy” is a Sergeant in the Zirconium Squadron-Retrieval Unit, in this post apocalyptic society Cyronil’s' job is simple Track down, detain and if necessary destroy rebel/rogue forces. Although she hates her job, she does it because she has no other choice. She blames her government and her Force for making her the way she is, and resents them for it. No one is ever happy with the Government are they?. Years ago she was sent into a Retrieval mission with insufficient forces to detain the small army that had gathered within the city, because of it her entire unit was lost and she nearly died. She survived but lost almost her entire right side of her body and had to go through immense surgery to almost completely replace her body. Hence the robotic arm and eye. The rest of her body they were able to repair yet just under a half of herself is robotic even if it is under the skin, and shows with some of the visible circuitry in her body. Because of this when she meets the head of a Rogue sanction Alexandrite, her attitude starts to change and she sees the world in a whole different light. Her armor is made of a ionized chemical compound of the reformatted material Gla-Steel...After a long process they managed to make the light, see through material even stronger and more sufficient to armed forces. Because of the lack of certain metals this material has replaced most armor, and basic plastic tools and can come in any color. Stronger then steel and denser then diamond this light weight inexpensive material can take force up to 2 times the normal force that would take to bend steel. Your prolly asking about the horse bike thing behind her... Your right...there is a horse thing with a spike on it's chest behind her. Don't ask to many questions though, you might end up confusing me That’s E.Q.U.U.S. V.2. Engineered. Quadruped . Universal. Utility. Steed. Version 2

Built like a hover bike and designed after the horse...(who knows, maybe on this world horses don't exist or are extinct) EQUUS is a fully functional hover bike, with a extremely advanced AI unit built into him, faster and more versatile then most vehicles. EQUUS can track and tell the status of it's rider within distances up to 100 miles of it's own location. Able to act and move on it's own it's a valuable asset to Cy as EQUUS has a mind of his own and has saved her own ass numerous times. EQUUS also has a bit of a attitude and a tad of a sarcastic streak to his nature. As a machine though it's really hard to ever tell it he's serious or joking. Because of it's AI unit, trying to steal, buy or obtain one that you first to not either bond or raise with right off the Building line, is kinda of a bad idea...The EQUUS will rarely ever allow anyone who isn't it's bonded rider to use it. Because of this they are usually scrapped for parts and the valuable metals that it's made with as parts when one is stolen.

Well that’s all I have right now Hope you liked my long winded explanation of Cy and the weirdness that is her.

Details: Sumo grip .5 Mechanical Pencil on 8 1/2 by 11 sketch paper Bout...6-8 hours of work

Art and Cyronil (C) to ME

Mature (NO)
17y269d ago
Other Work By @IllusionsParadox

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