This Is How It Goes by @Minzoku (Julie Miyamoto)
Four [distracted] hours of work, in an effort to get a drawing habit started again and a Words with Friends habit broken =p I didn't bother drawing their food, because a. they might not have gotten it yet and are just playing with their forks, and b. it's late and I'm tired.
Er, so I keep trying to draw scenes to make myself figure out how the huge gaps in my book come together, and I ended up with Marin (left). The scene didn't happen until a few days ago when I heard an interview and inadvertently stole some ideas. Oops. Well, they're kind of broad concepts ["women shouldn't demean themselves for attention"], so if I keep it general, that's fine, isn't it? Er.
Basically, I wanted to draw a date that isn't what's happening in the Voynich Comic project. What's happening--interest? embarrassment? awkward silence? I haven't decided, except that at least it's not torturous [arguably].
Will post a final when I figure out what they're eating.
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