Leo Victor

A little stroll in Memory lane.
A little stroll in Memory lane. by @leovictor (Leo Victor)

Adrastos, Ariel and Valkery.
Before I ever perfected my furry skills I used to draw Battleships like this allot. This is my oldest Pic that got Digitized and my very first art where I learn to use B(2 trough 8) type pencils ( Got fed up with plain HB pencils ). I was Suprised it ended up so well. Sorry that the paper got worn during the 10 years. I didnt save it so well but Im glad I still have it. This is the very first Adrastos Design. Now that I have more knowledge of Battleships I can say that this ship because of its narrow beam will not make a stable Gun Platform. Artwork © Copyright 2002 Anthony Salijo

Finished Work
22y129d ago
Other Work By @leovictor

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