Samantha Nowinski

Tak and Gaz Romance...on Religion 1 Notes.
Tak and Gaz Romance...on Religion 1 Notes. by @KarmaSlave (Samantha Nowinski)

Religion 1. Ah. It's my favorite period, actually, because I got a crazy and cynical teacher, everyone loosens up in this class, and it actually talks about everything I strongly believe in (Which I will not state at all. Period). But during this class one day, I got bored because they were talking about stuff I already knew, so I started to sketch on my notes. And Tak and Gaz popped up. I was inspired by the old Tak-Gaz drawing I have (Speaking of which, I gotta give Ric the original sometime..lol--long story!), and by a Tak-Gaz romance story (one sided, though).

Heads up to those who wanna see what the story is: If you search up on Fanfiction.net in the authors' for "Peacemaker Aqua" and if you find me--look in my favorite stories. It might be there. It won't be hard to find--the summary has something about Gaz's rough acceptance of her love, and it's rated PG-13. Trust me--it's a good story for slash lovers. But slash haters, I suggest you stay away because the author already had a flame from it and I'd like it if she's not critized any further. She's a really good author, and I like her work. Just thought I'd warn you. Or just try to respect, okay? That's all a reader can do. And we authors appreciate it. (BTW--the story was written before Tak's appearance, just so you know).

Okay, back to the topic..I like any IZ romance (except Gaz and Bloaty--that was a weird fic that my friend Ric read and he told me about it...O_O). And I have no problem with Tak-Gaz at all. It's like Dib-Zim and Red-Purple slash--I respect it. And it's cute in a way. Artwork © Copyright 2002 Samantha Nowinski

Rough / Concept
21y246d ago
Other Work By @KarmaSlave

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