Commission: Zora Bust 02
Commission: Zora Bust 02 by @Eternity9

Commission for zoravix



Pokemon Character Bust Commission OPEN!! $10 AUD

Fully shaded/shined Pokemon Character Bust Commission

IMPORTANT!!! I refuse to draw:

– Anything R rated

– Anything with sexual content

– Crude jokes

– Nudity

– Overly Morbid

– Suicide scenes or anything that goes along those lines

– Fetish Art

– Adult/NSFW art work

– Gore

ALSO: I have the right to decline a commission if it treads to far into any of the above

– I am okay drawing mild blood/violence

- Link to Character in question that you want me to draw. (Reference must be SFW) (Pokemon Characters Only)

- Do not give me a description of the character in question, I need a visual of the character you want me to draw. (If you don't have one, then I can offer to do a character sheet for said character, but that will cost extra, we'll have to discus the price)

- What Expression/Pose do you want them drawn in?. (AGAIN Safe For Work ONLY!)



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Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

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What kind of comments is Eternity9 seeking for this piece?

  • Any Kind - Self-explanatory.
  • Casual Comments - Comments of a more social nature.
  • Light Critique - Comments containing constructive suggestions about this work.
  • Heavy Critique - A serious analysis of this work, with emphasis on identifying potential problem areas, good use of technique and skill, and suggestions for potentially improving the work.
Please keep in mind, critiques may highlight both positive and negative aspects of this work, but the main goal is to constructively help the artist to improve in their skills and execution. Be kind, considerate, and polite.