Hannah Lupton

Cecil! =)
Cecil! =) by @hannlupt (Hannah Lupton)

I saw that several people were drawing some of the Reboot chars as furries, but none of Cecil (although I could be wrong ^^;) So, I chose to draw Cecil as a furry...okay so maybe some of you wouldn't like this and I don't blame you ^^;; But Cecil doesn't really have to look like this, it's just how I pictured him ^^;; And also I'd like to say that our scanner will be out of order for a little bit (actually it's my fault, I lost the power cord ^^;;) but it won't be long, hopefully i won't go through any incompatibility issues (with a power cord? I doubt it unless I get the wrong voltage) I've had enough of those .-.;;;

Finished Work
20y303d ago
Other Work By @hannlupt

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