
Rainbow Wraith
Rainbow Wraith by @nepryne (Nepryne)

Oof...so many colors in it... _

I dunno...just...some creature that popped into my head one day. Rainbow wraiths are creatures that are essentially nothing more than a collection of magic themselves, and are commonly used to hunt down and either subdue or kill some magical creatures that can't be taken down by normal means. There's no set form for them - if there's even one at all (some of them don't ever really take a definite form of anything). And, as the name implies, they're always some sort of rainbow color (whether using just a few colors from the light spectrum, or the whole spectrum itself).

This one, obviously, is a dragon-like wraith...

Okay, so it's not the most original thing in the world, but...whatever.

I probably should've put an actual background on this, to show off the transparency of this creature. As it is, I think I managed to pull off enough of an effect for the glow.

The shoulder of the upper arm in the back has a wonky positioning. >_o

The design for this is © Nepryne ...that's me. :P

Finished Work
20y125d ago
Other Work By @nepryne

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