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Kokanu conlang testing thread (conversation thread) - Started by: BatmanWilliams
Kokanu conlang testing thread (conversation thread)
Posted: 22 Aug 2024, 09:19 PM

"Conlangs are awesome."

~ J. R. R. Tolkien, probably (he did like conlangs)

Despite what this says, I'm not into any conlang (also known as a constructed language) in particular, I just enjoy conlangs as a concept. However, minimalist conlangs (conlangs designed specifically to have as few words as possible) catch my attention in particular. These are conlangs where the person forming it has to meticulously choose the right selection of words with the right level and degree of variance in order to create a constructed language that both works as something that can be used in daily life and still gets away with having as few words as possible, something that has a profoundly positive psychological effect on the user.

Of all the minimalist conlangs in existence, the one which is most famous as well as most worked upon is kokanu, which spun off of another minimalist conlang which is even more famous but ended up being something that could not be used internationally, despite being an auxilliary language. To this end, Kokanu is an example of a minimalist conlang that has tried to achieve this with the help of a self-appointed institution with authority and a final say over what gets to go into the language and what doesn't. However, the language is prone to extreme indecision when it comes to that, as people debate and debate over what should go into the language and what shouldn't, resulting in the language having fifty words on average added every year or so, with certain people always debating in hindsight on whether each addition is necessary or not.

That is where this thread comes in.

This is similar to my other thread at []( but for kokanu (no opposites involved though, it's just a regular conversation thread, but in kokanu). Like a game needs to be tested, so does a minimalist conlang, and due to the particular environment here, I feel this to be the best setting for that (prepare for a large migration here, BadKarma), and this thread will be a way people can test it and see how it might work and how it might need to be modified. I will start off...


Malo ni! E a mi koe? Mi ikama Batman, un ko au e malohi.

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