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Consistency in art - Started by: Jinx
Consistency in art
Posted: 25 Jan 2007, 09:59 AM

This is a topic that's been on my mind frequently of late. I tend to, or at least try to, draw and colour in various different art styles, which often change with every picture I draw. While there are some things, perhaps a number of them, that I do the same or at least similar in many or most pictures, I really don't feel I have my own defined style. I enjoy and am inspired by too many different art styles to want to limit myself to just one, which is why I try so many different things.

But, I look at other artists who are popular and successful with their own style that's consistent with all of their art, which might not even be better than mine on a technical level, and wonder if I should try to find a style I can stick with in my own art. I make art for fun first and foremost and I wouldn't give up on trying other styles, nor would I want to. I just see people selling art, sometimes many different pieces which are essentially the same, and I wonder if I'm holding myself back by drawing however I fancy without having my own refined, recognizeable art style.

I wonder if anyone even appreciates that I make art this way or if it would be in my own best interests to have a single style I can call my own. I could stick with and refine a single style, I don't think there's much question there. I just don't know if it would make any difference in being known for what I do.

Any thoughts on the subject appreciated.

Posted: 26 Jan 2007, 01:34 AM

Don't worry about what others are doing. For you, I think forcing yourself to establish one particular style would hurt your art to some degree. You do have a personal style, though you, yourself, may not be able to see the style itself. Artists differ. One artist needs to develop a particular style in order to get somewhere. Another artist finds consciously developing their personal style in a certain way to be limiting and harmful to their art. In the end, it's best to just do your own thing and let your personal style sort itself out.

Posted: 26 Jan 2007, 10:08 PM

Thanks, CyberCorn. I do still have a problem comparing myself to others. It's hard when I'd really like to make some money off this stuff and I feel like I'm good enough to do that, but I still don't have much of an audience or fan base. I really need to just content myself with what I have and can do.

Thanks for taking the time to respond. I really appreciate it.

Posted: 27 Jan 2007, 04:18 AM

Actually, I'd say your problem isn't that you don't have a style. Your problem is that you haven't "broken into the scene" yet. Some excellent artists can take a long time to get established while those with lesser talent might get in early on. Artistic talent isn't the only factor. Business sense, knowing the right people, even sheer luck can all factor into things. All you can do is keep plugging away, with an eye peeled for opportunities.

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