Last month, Sanguine Productions published the third issue of its emagazine Bite Marks. One of the stories published in it happens to be a short story written by yours truly. Because Bite Marks is nonprofit, those who submit articles and stories are neither paid nor give up their copyrights to their work. I feel this means I can get away with posting the story to my website, though I encourage people to take a look at Sanguine's products.
My story, "The Giant Rat of Sumatra", is based in Sanguine Production's Ironclaw tabletop RPG setting, an island nation called Calabria. Resembling a mix of Scotland, England, and France, Calabria is populated by anthropomorphic animals (mostly mammals) of various types.
Read "The Giant Rat of Sumatra" here. Read the Author's Notes here.
"The Giant Rat of Sumatra" is rated Teen+.