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Q Bee Process/ Collab - Started by: arshesnei
Q Bee Process/ Collab
Posted: 21 Sep 2006, 10:19 PM

I've been asked how I use Open Canvas so, I thought I'd give a mini tutorial on the process

For Settings, when I use pencils/inks the top tool, I may start off with a different color and leave the opacity setting on. Please visit the Everything you wanted to know about Open Canvas thread

When I ink I turn it off, and may change the pen size (OC sadly lacks shape dynamics in the earlier versions, and I'm more of an organic inker, than a technical one, I like my lines going thick to thin)

I generally paint an entire area with a flat color, and turn opacity off, either I can paint it using the pen/ink tool, or the watercolor tool, and adjust the sliders so it doesn't get effected by the "canvas"

I then work in details later.

My first test with a tablet was on artwork CBee let me use of his QBee lineart.


Hope that helps?

Few notes, I do purposely leave "splotches" of background color into my pictures like iI did with the tufts of fuzz and hair and her feet. I'm pondering revisitng this piece to try some saturation tricks if anyone is interested in seeing how I can create depth in pictures as well.

BTW no event file for this because if you import lineart or a JPG to color it cannot save it as an event, but if you'd like to see the file of the above:

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