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Deus ex machinas - Started by: chaseawaythedark
Deus ex machinas
Posted: 09 Apr 2024, 05:28 AM

I guess since it's relevant, a good way to start out is to say don't feel bad if you missed what many saw as the big show yesterday. The cloud armada affected a huge number of us; for perspective, picture someone like me, people like my friends, and family members in places as far apart as Grand Isle, Grand Island, and Pelee Island respectively, and imagine that the cloud armada was as vast as to go from one end to the other, and then some. I would later go on to every review posting hub known to mankind and post a one-star review of the show (which I was allowed to do since the show was so capitalized, those places don't allow me to talk about other places but you'll know it's me based on me cueing it), so yeah it's perhaps the century's worst lose-lose situation.

However, having given my shades to a poor kid who forgot hers, I just peered around and saw that non-humans act really, really unusually when such a thing is going on, and I was able to fill up a whole album based on what I saw while everyone experiencing the main event started complaining that the lights were even kept on. In the end, I didn't even need what everyone came for. I think I enjoyed things better than everyone else.

What's a time when something unlikely saved the day for you at the last moment, for a lack of a better way to put it?

RE: Deus ex machinas
Posted: 09 Apr 2024, 08:38 PM

My solar eclipse was ruined in a completely different way. We were also in the path of totality, we had clear skies, no trees in the way, and everything was about to get dark, when suddenly we were reminded the hard way that we had chosen to watch the eclipse in an area with a thousand concentrated automatic lamp posts. I was trying to take a photo of the eclipse when suddenly all I could see was street light. So that was more of a diabolus ex machine.

As for a deus ex machina? The most profound deus ex machina I've ever experienced was when Anne Hathaway's car broke down near my house almost on my birthday one year. I was going through a dark time in my 15th year, my birth week was even duller and was on the verge, when suddenly, yeah, my face lit up with complete awe, whose wouldn't? I'm not calling myself a fan, just sometimes you experience odds impressive enough that doesn't matter.

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