Journal Entry
Vrikalo Magic
Posted On: 24 Oct 2024, 04:55 PM
Posted By: Vrikalo
Vrikalos is a magical creature and was created by magic. Though not many people know what this magic is or seen what this magic does. Each vrikalo is capable of having magic and each magical capability they have depends on who they are as a person. Not all vrikalos grow up to know they have magic they only know a little bit about their origins of being some lab created beast that they heard through the grape vine. However, some discover their abilities through extreme stress. Which is turn sometimes they never learn to control, or they only use it as a defense machine when in great stress. Depending on their species counterpart the type of magic and abilities they have can differ quite a lot. For mountain vrikalos their magical abilities seem to be more along the lines of elemental and can latch on to their preferred profession or just latch onto their personality. With the demon/ alien vrikalo their abilities and magic can lead more towards demonic than elemental and in some cases might be a split between the two through breeding. As for the desert vrikalo it is unknown what abilities they possess as they have rarely been seen. Only one has been seen around the world and others are left wondering more about them because they appear to disappear as fast as they are spotted.