
Journal Entry

updated Project's FAQs

Posted On: 18 Nov 2023, 03:21 AM
Posted By: Masonicon

salvaged from here(with some newupdates):

here's the FAQs of this project:

Q: What is Ani-Toonspiracy? A: it's massive multifandom crossover fanseries that at first, to be feature length movie that later cuts into a bunch of episodes upon got animated(to attempting cut corners) as well Spin-off(also animated into a bunch of episodes) that made to raise awareness of various conspiracies

Q: what's Conspiracies that this project includes? A: the so-called Conspiracy Theories here are refers to hidden truth of our verse as usual, some conspiracy theories are blacklisted from this project for being more of a bullshit, notably Flat-earth theory(unless when we're talking about Discworld, Marvel comics' asgard, or even Alderson disk megastructure)

Q: even when this Project crossovers Our World, there's no "believability", why? A: this project is also includes more speculative of RL Conspiracy Theories, like ones that even Dan Brown never mentions. in case if you're further questions unlikelihood of "Sci-fi" and "Fantasy" elements in our world, click here:

Q: Help! there's too many characters that appears in this project? A: I has worked really hard to give most(if not all) of characters to have decent moment of shine, besides those that appears on-screen throughout this project are just tip of the iceberg

Q: many franchises and it's characters that this project uses are not close enough to canon A: fair amount of universes that this mega-crossover project uses(including even ours) are known for crappy source materials, notably Pokemon anime universe(fixed by following different timeline past "Rivalry Revival" episode by making Tracey travels with Ash and company instead of becoming Professor Oak's assistant so Ash can wins any Pokemon leagues he lost in Actual show), beside this project is also exist to fix bunch of my favorite universes by either fanon discontinuities

Q: this Project screws up both Lex Luthor and Hannibal Lecter A: there's reason I makes Lex Luthor incapable of employing/joining Superhumans when I makes him Extreme Anti-Superpower: it makes him Hypocrite(or at least looks like it) besides there's reason I flanderizes Hannibal Lecter: if he's more like cat playing with food instead of simply eating everyone he simply came across to(at least when his restraint mask are deactivated), he'll ends up associated with the Reptilians and possible satanism

Q: if you're wants overweight rich guy that hates Superpowered people, why you don't use Marvel Comics' Kingpin with his screwed up personality? A: there's a chance that Kingpin will qualifies as Metahuman due to his strength level, even when he's technically Normal Human

Q: This Project trivializes RL Issues A: many of (so-called) Real Life issues are just taking the cake of accusing anyone that question their official narratives as it's deniers, and remember "Questioning" and "Denying" are exact opposite to each other

Q: we're not used with Digimon and Pokemon humans having superpowers A: other mons series(such as Yugioh) aren't completely shy away from giving any human superpowers, even Digmon seasons 3-onwards and Pokemon manga, games, and even older anime seasons did give humans superpowers at any occasion

Q: where's Thomas and Friends here? A: some franchises are inevitably banned from this mega-crossover project(as ambitious and gargantuan it is) for whatever reason: including Thomas the Tank engine(to keep this project from being too similar to Pooh's Adventures), Five Nights and Freddy's(too weak to join this project and it's fanbase ruined it for me), Loud House(ditto), etc(including non-sonic Archie Comics(for both legal and thematic reasons) as well 50 shades of Gray)