
Iryilicia Syltheril Airya Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

Punctual Name: Ai-yie-li-cia Siel-thae-riel Ai-ryia Race: Takanii Fairy Humanoid Alignment: Independent Takanii Exiles (Yes, they are escapee of the Hegemonic Imperial of Takanii) Age: 124 years old (Just like the Ijyiakaryai, they do have long lifespan, however their span of life were cut shorter...) Gender: Female
Hair Color: Blonde Golden Orange, with lime, light purple shade color at the bottom ends of her hair Eye Details: You can see a four edge star, references to Hoshino Ai but I made it so it shares the similar shape to Airya's hand fan, it is currently hard to distinguish from other details unless looks closely. However her deceased twin does not have this detail. Eyes Color: Yellow-Lime Height: 161 cm Laterality: Left-handed who adapted to right-handed instruments and tools


I present to you the captivating tale of Iryilicia Syltheril Airya, a highly esteemed musician originating from her native land. She once basked in the glory of her remarkable performances but alas her fortunes took a sharp downturn when she endeavored to flee from her beloved homeland. Tragically on numerous occasions, she found herself ensnared within the clutches of the Hegemonic Imperial, an influential dominion presided over by an emperor notorious for his immoral advances and lecherous manners towards her.

Until a group of unknown assailants ambushed the Emperor’s convoy and freed her from his grasp. However, her freedom was short-lived as she was still a victim of abuse. The assailants sneaked her out of the pillow area, but she was still not out of danger. She had to endure more hardships until a foreign alien patrol rescued her from her captors.

Oh, hear the tale of Iryilicia fair,
Once a great singer, now in despair.
She was taken by smugglers, oh so vile,
Tied up and abused, for many a mile.

But lo! A wandering patrol did appear,
Confronting the smugglers, without any fear.
They defeated the villains, and set her free,
Oh, what a sight for sore eyes to see!

She was welcomed to a strange land unknown,
By an alien nation, with kindness shown.
They tolerated the Takanii Exiles, you see,
And gave them a place to live, safe and free.

No more the tyrannical regime of old,
No more the oppression, no more the cold.
Syltheril Airya sings again, with joy in her heart,
In this new land, where she's found a fresh start.

So heed my words, and listen well,
For this tale of hope, I have to tell.
No matter how dark the night may seem,
There's always a chance for a brighter dream.

After a long and arduous journey, she ultimately discovered solace among the free Independent Takanii Exiles - gallant individuals who had successfully liberated themselves from the grips of Imperial rule in Takanii. Embracing her arrival with open hearts they offered a heartfelt welcome into their community. This newfound sanctuary became a catalyst for rekindling her melodic abilities, resonating with beauty through each makeshift dwelling that housed them all. Revered across galaxies for her exceptional talents she quickly established herself as an esteemed member of this vast cosmic society.

However she possessed more than just artistic brilliance, she also bore witness to the abhorrent crimes perpetrated by the Hegemonic Imperial ruling over Takanii itself - having personally observed their callous acts against both fellow citizens and alien inhabitants dwelling on Takanii soil. Undoubtedly. Her testimony held immeasurable value, essential not only for global resistance endeavors or revolutionary campaigns but also critical in fueling internal revolts seeking change from within Takanii's embattled homelands.

Despite being away from the Great Takanii Civil War, she played an influential role in both the resistance and revolution movements. Her voice was a beacon of hope for those who had lost everything to the ruthless expansionism of the Hegemonic Imperial. And her presence among the Takanii exiles gave them the strength to continue fighting for their freedom.

With unfaltering resilience through every tribulation endured, she maintained an indomitable sense of certainty grounded in her convictions. Fully cognizant of the profound impact harbored within her very own voice, she steadfastly vowed to employ it efficaciously without reserve. Henceforth, she melodiously expressed herself with unwavering ardor echoing ceaselessly through spatial dimensions—a living testament encompassing both aspirations for change as well as unyielding resistance against tyranny's clutches.

As she luxuriates in her newfound liberation, she cannot disregard the ceaseless specter of abduction and assassination that hovers ominously over her. The Namfaktan Confederation, in league with the Hegemonic Imperial, cast a formidable peril upon her existence. Indeed, the Hegemonic Imperial has explicitly declared that they will stop at nothing to eradicate her from the resistance endeavors aimed at their dominion.

Notwithstanding the danger, there are those who have assumed the responsibility of ensuring her safeguard. They have forged their own corps of defenders, anti-espionage operatives, and early warning reconnaissance teams, as well as proactive militia counter-intelligence units solely dedicated to her well-being. These valiant individuals are prepared to jeopardize their very lives to shield hers, and for that, she harbors an eternal debt of gratitude.

However, not everyone perceives her as a hapless victim in this predicament. In the eyes of the Namfaktan lizard peoples, she is a sorceress scheming to overthrow their cherished Namfaktan sovereignty for her own self-serving interests. They contend that she does not genuinely advocate for her own kin. We will dismissing it all as the product of manipulative propaganda spun by the Namfaktan Confederation.

Undeterred by these allegations, she remains unswerving in fulfilling the needs of those under her care and guidance. She acknowledges that every action emanates from an ardent yearning to forge a brighter tomorrow for all. The baseless charges hurled against her by detractors shall not hinder or impede her unwavering determination, regardless of the toll exacted along the arduous path.

She will persistently champion her cause rooted deeply in her principles no matter what unfolds next. It becomes strikingly evident that securing her safety occupies the top priority among those who surround her... And thus no effort or cost seems too extravagant when it comes to protecting her at all costs at any given time point. As long as such an extensive support system remains in place for her, she can continue navigating through life brimming with confidence and devoid of any fears.


Although her innocent, cute, and vulnerable appearances may deceive anyone that dares to threaten her, she possesses a hidden strength that can be quite dangerous to her enemies. As soon as she is pushed into a corner, her alter egos emerges to her defense, and she becomes a formidable force to be reckoned with. He foes would trembles in fear as she effortlessly slain them with her hand fan, which is a transformable secret weapon in disguise.

Her myriad alter egos date back to the abuse she suffered at the hands of her emperor and later of smugglers. Having experienced many of these traumatic happenings, her mind evolved multiple personalities, which houses even souls of the deceased. It is truly fascinating to witness the distinct set of talents that reside within her alter egos, showcasing a range of extraordinary capabilities in various domains.

Among her alter egos, some excel in combat, effortlessly defeating formidable foes. Others demonstrate remarkable prowess in different areas, showcasing their myriad masteries and expertises. Despite possessing such incredible strengths, Airya remains humble and maintains a polite demeanor. Her hidden agendas is a testament to her resilience and her own capability to overcome ardous adversities, serving as an inspiration to all who encounter her.

One of Airya's alter ego, whom she affectionately dubs her "sister", possesses an eerie semblance to her departed twin, Eirya. Eirya, a revered warrior in the Hegemonic Imperial of Takanii, undeniably bequeathed her formidable combat style to Airya's fragmented personality.

Upon scrupulous scrutiny of the evidence, one can reasonably infer that Eirya's spirit has faithfully overseen Airya even in the realm of the deceased. The parallels between the two are too striking to dismiss as mere happenstance. It stands as a testimony to the indissoluble bond that exists between siblings, transcending even the afterlife. Not astonishingly, the sister's spirit has seamlessly assimilated into Airya's splintered identity.

Moreover, it is an irrefutable actuality that the ethereal essence of myriad revered Takanii legends, spanning the vast tapestry of their storied history, resides within the profound recesses of Airya's consciousness. This extraordinary phenomenon, defying mortal comprehension, encompasses a multitude of souls, each bearing the weight of their extraordinary tales.

Among these illustrious spirits, one can only speculate that the unconquerable essence of the former emperor of the Fairy Phoenix Imperium Republic of Takanii, a realm steeped in ancient grandeur, dwells within her very core. This enigmatic ruler, whose name reverberates through the annals of time, met a tragic demise at the hands of his own flesh and blood, his own sons, in a bygone era shrouded in the mists of antiquity. The intricate web of destiny weaves its threads, connecting the past to the present, as the echoes of these legendary souls resound within her innermost musings, eternally shaping her path and purpose.