Shellie Colte

Sethriel Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

sex: she's a matrix. She has no defined sex, but is usually seen as a girl.

Age: Unknown

Species: Matrix, but usually seen as a cross between a hyena and an African black-backed Jackal.

Information: Sethriel is an experiment, scientists created her. She was originally a cross-bred Hyena-Jackal, and that was the only part about her that was natural. Scientists captured her and used her as a test subject for an experimental hemoglobin that was SUPPOSED to genetically alter a being to have super-human capabilites, such as enhanced hearing, faster running speed, invulnerability, ect. But, they didn't take into consideration that the hemoglobin was formulated to match a human's genetic helix. When she was injected with it, her DNA became so badly mutated that she lost her sexual identity, as well as any other physical traits. Her brain, however, was left intact, the only diffrence as that she now had the intelligence of a well-learned human, or better.

She is now what is known as a Matrideux-enigmata, a term that the scientists had come up with to describe her. She is able to turn into any substance, and change her gender and fingerprint profile as well. Sethriel now wanders aimlessly around, in human form, in animal form, and somethimes in the form of the least expected.