
The Archduke Basilisk Character Reference

Species: Formally human
Age: 28
Place of Birth: His late father’s kingdom
Height: 6 ft 7
Weight: 168 lb
Gender Identity: Male
Pronouns: Him/he

When he took over his fathers rule, the once thrieving kingdom of Beavaln buckled under the new opposition of its new leader. The son of the late, beloved king had nothing but selfish desire and greed in his soul. Out of desperation, a coup formed and a powerful sorceress hired. Under the dead of night, the once handsome Archduke was tricked into entering the ol hag's home, under the assumption he was task with her arrest. To his utter horror, his platoon of guards stood idle as the woman worked her spell. Cursed, his body twisted, unrecognizable and monstrous. His attempts at help were fruitless, as the towns folk he sought aid from only saw a grotesque beast. They casted him out with fire and crossbows.

Furvilla character Royal gembound


Makes a living raising and selling weird chickens he found. The eggs they produced are mildly spicy.

Can't remember his old name.


Gold, money, telling people what to do, fine dining, fancy clothes, beautiful jewels.


His own reflection, Being told what to do, Not having money


Has a bodyguard named Tanker. The rat tried to unsuccessfully rob the Duke but instead got a paycheck and a contract

Has a doctor named Kovu this dutch angel dragon somehow is the only doctor patient enough to deal with him and knows nearly everything involving the Duke's cursed state....except how to reverse it.

Family and Friends:

Desperate for friends but his additude and behavior has made it difficult.

He blames it on his appearance, even though it has rarely been the case.

Doesn't see Tanker as a friend, just one of the hired help.