Amey Yurov

Carina Ann Dumonerre Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

Nick name: Cari, punk child Birthday: April 2, 1894 Age: Looks 18 Sign: Aries Height: 5'8" Weight: 120lbs Hair: Wavy ebony black shoulder length Eyes: Amber Blue Theme: Sheryl Crow - Bitch

Linkin Park - Somewhere I Belong

Life didn't start in the best of ways for the girl. Having been unfortunate enough to be the daughter of an elder vampiress, let alone one that was part of the vampire council. Ellamina Dumonerre, she had her reasons, she couldn't have time for a child with her duties and after what happened with her oldest son going insane shortly before, had made her decide to give away the little ebony haired girl. She thought it was for the best It was the turn of the century, and the cities were quickly growing and developing, as well as people were flooding to find jobs and better living conditions.

Though it wasn't exactly the best time to be an orphan, as there were countless such abandoned children and frankly no one really wanted them. Cari wasn't much different. Her earliest memories were that of the orphanage, and her only family had ever really been the other kids. She was just like them, a streetrat, a thief, pickpocket. She was good at it though, she was fast, charismatic and she dared to do things others were too afraid too. Which is why most people she knew had a fascination with her, she was everything everyone there wanted to be. But then her own actions had gotten her into trouble countless times. She was often beaten badly when caught, near killed a few times, though that never stopped her. It was attention she craved, to be better then she thought she was or at least to make others think she was strong. A rule she made early on when she was still too young to remember why, but that rule was she would never cry in front of everyone and she would never let anyone know her weaknesses. It was a rule she ended up breaking quite a few times too.

Despite the number of people that listened to her and loved how she was, Cari had a few close friends too few. Most people weren't to be trusted on the streets, for at the sign of trouble they would all scatter to save their own asses. But there were those she did trust. One of them being a boy, one of the kids she grew up with in the orphanage. She loved him, she would do anything for him, for thats how she was with the people she did allow to get close to her. And he was the first to really get that close to the girl. Maybe that was her mistake, she always thought it was when she looked on that years later.

Carina was about 17 by then, she was still living on the streets, stealing for a living. It was then when she thought it would be a real pay off to rob a certain rich apartment. It wasn't really smart, but she always did take risks. Peter was supposed to be the look out so to speak, and make a distraction if someone was coming. Cari trusted for things to go as they were, and hadn't even bothered with a backup plan. Well, things didn't go as planned when he chickened out and ran off. And the girl was caught, tried to run off as well but ended up being shot. A lovely mess she got herself into that time. As were she the mortal she always thought she was she would have surely died. And thats what everyone thought, if it weren't for a certain vampiress returning to collect her daughter she really might have been dead then.

Instead of the streets of New York she had grew up on, she found herself in the world of money, fancy clothes, parties and a big mansion. That was Ella's world. And for the longest time, Cari never understood why the blond woman took her in and turned her. She didn't fit into Ella's world well either, she was loud, impulsive and had a tendancy to cause trouble wherever she was. And trouble was one thing Ella had enough of. There were countless arguments about Cari's attitude, and Cari knew things weren't right either. She just didn't know the truth of it. She was a very weak vampire at it as well, mostly because her abilities had been so dormant when she was a child but she never much thought of it. Instead she came to rely on weapons and her speed the one thing she actually was good at other then stealing.

A few years had passed, and frankly Cari and Ella had a tendancy to drive each other insane. Often times resulting in Cari getting the hell out of there. She tried to return to the streets a few times, but that didn't turn out too well being how humans never really understood how someone who was supposed to be dead was.. well.. not.

One of the times she had remained in the mansion she came to meet one of Ella's friends, and for once actually someone that didn't just walk by and pretend she wasn't even around. He was a vampire, and a rather old one at that, but Cari never knew much of that back then nor did she particularly care. She never knew exactly who Maxius was to Ella either. But they became close, and had a rather love affair for quite some time. He was frankly just playing with her, but she never knew that and had again let someone get too close to her. Something she would soon conclude she should never do. When Ella had learned of it, she confronted Cari with the exact truth of the matter that Maxius was a liar and a bastard and that he was just using her. No surprise that Cari didn't believe Ella at all which caused one of their worse arguments. But there wasn't much to be really proven then. For not much later a certain other vampiress by the name of Anna had came, and Cari was rather pushed aside as if she didn't even exist anymore. Though being that Maxius and Anna were lovers that wasn't much of a surprise. They had also come to return back to London, but not before Cari had found out that secret she knew everyone but her was in on. Anna was Ella's older sister, Maxius was their sire, and Cari was Ella's daughter.

It explained things, things like why Ella ever bothered with Cari in the first place. And Carina rather took it all as some charity act on poor little Cari. It only made things worse between her and Ella, whom she frankly blamed for all the shit that happened in her life. And on more then one occation Ella ended up kicking the girl out. It wasn't a big deal for Cari, she stole money and cars from Ella and tended to dissapear for weeks, months even years on end. Finding a new place where no one knew her and drawing the attention onto herself. The same charismatic nature she held as a child. People were fascinated with her most of the time, but they soon got tired of the trouble she caused, friends left, boyfriends found others that weren't as wild as she was. And she only ended up causing too much trouble then she could handle and in the end often it was Ella who got her out of it and brought her back more often then not half dead. That was the cycle, Cari would hang around for a while until she couldn't take it anymore and then out of the blue split again.

Adamantine Inn wasn't that different, it was just one of those places she came upon, and it interested her. It had the action she loved, and though it wasn't the first abnormal place she had been it was still fascinating. It started as every other time, she stole, she caused problems, she had people out to kill her and she tended to get into fights near every night. In a way she loved all that and she never really knew why she did. The chaos of the place just kind of kept her there for the time being. She had a best friend, she met a man again, someone she grew close to... despite how she said she'd never do that again. But she never trusted things easily, and after Sebastion's girlfriend showed up and caused an argument and shortly after he had dissapeared Cari only believed she was pushed aside yet again. She really tried not to care anymore, she was reckless because her own life never mattered to her. Her friends had soon come to dissappear as well. It was all going just as before, but for some reason she stayed anyway.

Thats when she met Genesis, completely accidently having stumbled upon him half dead on the front steps of the inn. She didn't know why she bothered to help him then, but then she wasn't one to just ignore things easily either. She hadn't expected much to come of it, her once in a life time good deed and frankly it surprised her that he even stayed with her after she passed out from lack of blood. But he did, and the two had became rather close quite fast. He wasn't like anyone else Cari ever met, he listened to her and he actually acted like she did matter. With him it wasn't like with everyone else who saw her as 'the act' or the cool girl that causes trouble and speaks her mind.. and is thus hot. He was the first person in her whole life she could talk to without being a sarcastic punk. Oddly enough he liked her without the act and despite the trouble. So not surprisingly she fell in love him, and for once she felt someone actually loved her back.. which was the real difference.

Yet, nothing's that easy, not for Cari anyway as she only all too soon came to find out. For once, Sebastion had come to return and caused quite some trouble, which forced the girl to have to choose between the two. She had chose Gen, but well apperantly Bast wasn't very happy with that idea. Not to mention neither was Ella when she had learned of it, being that he was a vampire as well as his family wasn't all that friendly with the vampire council she had worked for. Overall she thought it was a bad idea and tried to get Cari to return to the mansion and forget about all of them. Cari wasn't about to do that though. Despite the number of fights and troubles that were caused by the conflicts, one of which left Gen blind for quite some time, she had still remained with Gen. They lived in an apartment in L.A. and soon AI was really forgotten for the most part, as well as Ella and Bast and everyone else. They had a child, a daughter by the name of Jera. And really the next seven years had been the best for Cari, who for once didn't have the cycle she was so used to before. It was nice, calm, she was happy, and that was something she never really was for long.

It was once Jera discovered about AI that things took a turn for the worse. Despite how she wans't supposed to go there, the little girl snuck out anyway. Which rather resulted in her meeting and running off with a psychopath killer. Cari had tried to get her back, but well being the girl was as stubborn as her mother most of the time things didn't go as planned. Atop that, Gen's soulmate returned, and well of course Cari never liked the girl for obvious reasons. But she chose to ignore that before, for Gen stayed with her afterall. And despite not being able to get Jera back, after a long time of also thinking she was left alone again, Genesis returned to her. Only to have another twist of fate, his soulmate killing herself and in turn because of the link, Gen died as well right in front of Cari too.

That was perhaps the worse strike to her, she was alone again, and things stopped mattering again. Unlike before Ella wasn't there to bail her out, and nurse her back to her right mind, for the woman had her own matters to deal with involving getting kicked out of the council. Cari was in a really bad state after that, she wanted to run off again, she wanted to return to New York to start again. But she found that to be impossible after what her mother caused, in some small way complicating things for the girl just because they share the same last name. Its amazing Cari didn't do anything irrational like kill herself. But things turned around again when she apperantly rather accidently met a jinji. He had said he could make any wish she had come true. She wasn't as gullible to really believe it, until she actually got proof that is. And well after that she only thought, hell there's nothing more she can loose anyway so why not.

It didn't take all that long for her wish to turn to something she really wanted, Gen to be alive again. She hadn't exactly thought it would ever happen, that it would be possible, but if there was even a small chance there was nothing to loose, because nothing mattered to her. Not her life not anything. Things didn't go exactly either, but the wish was granted, though rather then having Gen return, which was impossible because he had been reincarnated, Loki took his form. Cari didn't know at first, and then later, despite noticing the differences, she just ignored it for the fact that she needed someone to cling to, terrified of being pushed away and ending up as she was before. Loki probably didn't know what he was getting himself into with this girl either. And when she found out who he really was, despite having originally planned to take her soul, he descided against it. Damn human emotions huh. Cari freaked out at first too, but not because of the illution, subcontiously she knew the truth, she just didn't want to see it. The one thing she did come to learn, cling to whatever happiness you have because it all shatters and breaks so quickly you don't even have time to breath. She did stay with Loki however. Now knowing who he really is, trickster god of chaos. Even if she really doesn't know the half it, she doesn't really care about the details anymore either. She was happy for the time being and thats all that mattered to the girl.

Or so, thats what happened before the Descendant of Darkness came along. In the fight to stop him, Loki had been killed and Cari's own godlike chaos powers awakened. This struck yet another impact on her psychological state, and her body too weak for the chaos power had begun to be destroyed by it. She however didn't seem to care too much, returning to her old reckless bahaviour. Alcohole, fights with crazy psychotic people, why not when her curse struck again and she had nothing she cared about to loose anymore. However, her reckless behavious as always brought more trouble to her then even she expected. A certain confrontation in a park with another girl and a boy caused a pair of virtual glasses which she stole to explode while she was wearing them thus blinding her. That wasn't all as the results caused Cari and Aria, the other girl, to temporarily switch bodies due to a broken mind link. For the next couple of weeks Cari rather enjoyed the last moments of freedom she knew she had while she wasn't herself. As from an outsiders point of view she saw perfectly well what she had done to herself and her own body and that once she was back she wouldn't be living long. She had chased death and mocked it all her life... she had finally caught up to it and yet things weren't as 'cool' as she had imagined her own end to be. Then there was also that final one little twist on her existance that she had never imagined would ever be possible...... Genesis came back. The real one.

It seemed to be perfect, but things seldom are. There is no such thing as perfect, not when she was so far from it. It didn't work, much like she predicted when she first met him.. everyone leaves her because no one can change her. She was still the same loudmouth troublemaker she had always been and trouble followed her just as well. He was an angel. She knew they were drifting apart. It almost wasn't a surprise to find him gone and know exactly what to expect. She messed up again. There was nothing to do but move on again. Play along, and have history repeat itself. See what happens when people don't listen to warnings from the start. But she handled it rather well. If putting a gun to her head and considering pulling the trigger for the longest moment was well. Cari hated being the screw up but she didn't end it then. She was on her own again, with no one to bother with, and maybe it was best this way.

The girl traveled for a long time. One place or another it didn't matter and nothing kept her in place. L.A. was just a cursed city of the past she left behind. Perhaps it was finally time to return to her 'home.' New York City, the city that never sleeps and neither does she. It was good to be back. But it was hard as well. And this time there was no Ella to run back home to. There was no one to look to and no ways to turn things around. She would have done anything just to have things turned around. Just to have him back again and to be happy again.

But someone like her never had a fairytale life. Never deserved one. And hell only showed her just further more how much of a screw up she was when an event played with her mind. Illusions were made real and the city turned into a place of darkness in her eyes. A game of which she could have had three endings. And a man apperared that looked identical to Genesis by the name of Gemini. He wanted her to stay with him. And Cari almost did. She knew it was all fake, she realized the illusion to shatter her but she gave it up. This time she didn't fall for things even if she later wondered if that was the best choice. As once the mind games were shattered and the illusion had gone she found herself in an old empty house with cuts and bruises from her experience. A glimpse of the real Genesis to realize things could never be how she wanted. And nothing else that she wanted to know. She was on her own still, as always now. Survival... what for? she didn't know. It certainly wouldn't make a difference is she was dead to anyone. But like always it seemed too easy. After all the shit she went though it seemed wrong to throw it aside in a moment-- she'd wait until fate choose to do it for her.