Sarah Reed

Duece Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

Age: about 31
Alias: Duece
Hieght: 5'5"
Name: Khalan Jacobs
Race: Deamon (half)
Weight: about 8 stone

Eye colour: pure white no pupils Hair colour and style: black hair to the middle of her back, straight. Sometimes side parting sometimes center, sometimes dreads too. Skin colour: a red hue which has finally overtaken her 'human' skin tone Body shape: average and well toned

Clothing: she wears little. A loin cloth, bones for her torso and nipple discs for well her nipples. She also waers a mean pair of boots and leather arm gloves, both laden with straps. Black and white stockings too as well as fishnet arm gloves. Additional accessories: shes pierced in several places. Nose, lip, tongue, bridge, ears and few on her eyebrows. Also carries a tattoo on her back

Weapons: she carries the sword of her family, a high status sword which is feared just to be looked at. Magic ability: She dabbles in dark magic and became a mage at a very young age.

Weakness': Shes a devoted mother to 2 young twins (now about 12) she'll put them before anything as well as her older son Kris who was bought up by her rival.

Family: Husband: Ba'al, 3children and one best friend Blaze.

Secrets: She's still in love with her Rival and would do anything to get back with him, even if it means death.