Kiti Katt

Mikky Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

My old muse. I think she's in Africa right now. Hmm... Actually I think she's going to France or something for her next musing session. o_O;;

Mikky's themes were of music, ocean, and most anything to do with water. She will always be my favorite muse. ^_^

She had a bit of a story of her own: A kind of crossover between CardCaptor Sakura and Harry Potter. Yup, you read right: Harry Potter. Actually, it's not much of Sakura dueling Draco Malfoy or anything like that; it was merely the ideas of both CCS and HP coming together. Her story was Magical Stones. Instead of cards, there were stones to collect, all on the school campus, where everyone was learning magic. Collecting the stones were a thousand times harder than cards, because they were on the power/animal themselves.

Not very original, but it did get me started on creating my own ideas. ^^: