Crystal Character Reference

Species: Anthro Snow leopard/Lynx Hybrid
Birthday: ‎February 25
Age: ???
Place of Birth: ???
Height: ???
Weight: ???
Gender Identity:

Age: ??
Birthday: ‎February 25
Gender: Female
Name: Crystal
Race: Anthro Snow leopard/Lynx Hybrid

Friends: Personality: Originally very serious, but mellowed out once she got to interact with more people/beings other than the Time Temple Sentinel Guardians

Likes: Order

Dislikes: Chaos

Strengths: Is great at history trivia

Weakness: Has difficulty with modern technology

Weapons: Psychic Powers, Is a lot more durable that people realize, can levitate, mild super strength, can make energy shields that are Crystal Shard shaped


One of the Guardians for the Time Temple


Crystal is an OC I created during the time of the Sonic-X T.V show, she was a Psychic Time Travelling Snow Leopard. She was a Guardian of a Time Temple, but ended up getting thrown through time during an attack on the temple, and thus her story was her trying to grab a Chaos Emerald so she could use its power to return to her to the Time Temple, but while doing so she started to learn what it was like to make friends and maybe fight for something more for herself than what was imposed on her at birth.

I find it very funny that some how I created a character that is basically the combination of Blaze the Cat and Silver the Hedgehog (With a bit of Knuckles) without having known about those two character existence, until after designing Crystal, which is also why I didn't do a lot with her once I found about those two. As I was concern about how people would treat my char, but now many year's later I don't care, it's not the first time I accidentally made a character similar to canon without knowing about the canon character existing in the first place. So yeah change a few things about her design, but I still imagine her to be a time traveling temple guardian, I can't bring myself to change where she comes from, it seems her character refuses to leave that story thread, but at least she'll have more friends to hang out with at the temple than be a loner most of her life.


Order, Justice

