Fiona Mellis

Gentian Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

Eye Colour: Blue
Hair colour: Purple with green tips. It's tied up into lots of pigtails and she has a beaded braid coming down the front.
Markings: (look at her reference picture) She has gentian coloured fur, hence the name- it's a light purple/pink colour. She's covered in dark spots which go down her back, arms and legs. Her tail has about 6-7 dark stripes. She has a white upside down triangle underneath each eye (I might have drawn that wrong in her picture so please bear with me). She also has a white stomach.
Personality: She's the most athletic and enjoys gymnastics and swimming and volleyball and all sorts of other sports. She's the most energetic and loves being silly with Fiz but she stays level-headed most of the time. :)
Species: Genet