Roisin Marsh

Zoe Zetrack Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

DOB: 10/10/84
Hair: Blonde/pink at front
age: 17
animal: red fox
description: Zoe is a daring young vixen who has formed an organisation underground against the evil dark claw,an alsation from the planet carniax set on taking over as many worlds as possible, Zoe thinks its her destiny to stop him and will do so at any cost ,she can be loving and kind to her friends and loyal lover to sabre,but she can also be a vengeful and psychotic maniac when it comes to her enemies,but despite her two sides in times of great violence and horror she is usually scared and in need of comfort luckily she has friends who are always there to help and Sabre who is always there to love her
eyes: blue/green
fur: light orange
name: Zoe Zetrack
origin: Tariax on the planet Aztaania