
Phoebe Marley Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

Character's name: Phoebe Marley Character's age:18 (now about 19 Rank/Job: this and that, she's adaptable

Physical description: She's quite small, only 1,60m. She's got a rather dainty figure, she doesn't seem weak or defenseless though. She's got dark blonde hair and green eyes. The only jewelry she wears are silver earrings and an old mystic pendant (a dark blue stone) she got from the Voodoo Priestess. She mostly wears a half-sleeved white blouse and brown quite tight trousers and she wears solid brown leather boots. She also carries a black coat with her in case it gets cold. She wears a small brown rucksack in which she's got her coat, a pair of binoculars, some money, matches and some other more or less useful stuff. Besides she carries a sword on her belt.

Personality: she's clever, but also sometimes quite naive. From experience she knows that it's better to be distrustful towards strangers and so it takes some time till she fully trusts a person. At the same time she's very peacefully and mostly tries to avoid any kind of quarrel, but when someone attacks her she knows how to defend herself.

History: When Phoebe was born, her parents, who were quite well off and respected pirates, decided that life as a pirate wouldn't be safe enough for a little child, so they moved to the US (Fl). There they mainly used their ship as a trading vessel. When she was 5 her parents drowned when they suffered shipwreck due to inexplicable reasons (or maybe due to much too 'explicable' reasons?!). The rest of the Marley family heard about that and Horatio T. Marley (hmmm, her grandfather?!) decided to take care of her and took her to Melee Island, where she tried to forget the horrible incident. Later she also lived together with her about 2 years older cousin Elaine, who she got on well with. At the age of 16 she decided to leave the Marleys and look for a job, she started as a 'waitress-cook-assistant' at the scumm bar. Over the years she had many jobs including shop assistant on Booty Island and waitress at the GoodSoup Hotel on Blood Island and in Blondbeard's restaurant on Plunder. She also worked for the Voodoo priestess for some time (when she wanted to move to Scabb Island(I hope I'm not confusing something)) where she learnt various things about Voodoo. The Voodoo Priestess thanked Phoebe by giving her a pendant, which is supposed to have 'almost mighty' Voodoo powers. Unfortunately she didn't tell her how to use it, the only thing she said before disappearing was:"you'll learn how to handle it when the time is right..." Although her parents died on sea, she's into sailing and ships etc..(Phoebe also had short jobs as a ship's (cabin's?) girl, assistant at Wally's map "shop", "doctor's assistant"....so practically she knows everything)