Janus Izumii

Motokou Midori Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

Childhood past: Although the Motokou people see now isn't the same one he was as a child. !____!
While growing up, Motokou seemed to have problems physically. He was constantly in the hospital for problems. Partially his problem was his demon friend.. um.. yeah ::inserts pic of sd Motokou and demon::
(now let's listen to Moto-kun ramble, cuz I'm too lazy to rewrite this stuff from driver's ed.)
"I remember when I was a child always being sick. If it wasn't one thing it was something else. The thing I remember the most is constanly looking out of the hospital window at the ocean. Life continued for everyone else, but I was left here. It always was so calm there... but I lost something important it felt--my childhood. I can't say that, I didn't have one. Although it was lonely. I wish that it would of been a normal childhood.. Even though I am thankful to still be alive."
(see! the fruitloop can be normal once in awhile!!
::motokou in the bg with a microphone:: feeeeellllll my pain!!!!!!!!!!! ...er....)
o Age: 16
o Blood Type: A-
o Dislikes: Mornings, pizza, and being told what to do.
o Eye color: Blue with green tint
o Family:
-Father- Runs the large electronic store~ (The local Best Buy?) and explains why his dipstick son is working there. Even though he can do a good job, Motokou gets -away with too much childsplay.
Mother-An always worried working mother. Works at a nearby art gallery.
-Sister, Kristyn(yeah. . I got this name from sitting here watching the Weakest Link =D)- Motokou's younger only sibling, seems to always get in fights with Motokou.
o Hair color: Brown with dyed tips (red currently XD)
o Height: 5'8"
o Likes: Music, karaoke, his "Ampamatic", fine arts, drinking tea, working, tennis, electroncs, taking photos, and dying his hair ^^()
o More Info: A good-hearted boy who has an attitude that you would not believe. Always wearing a smile on his face, he is not afraid to share his opinion. Boisterous to the point of being annoying sometimes, Motokou is often seen annoyingly 'keeping' his Best Buy job that daddy gave to him. Even though he slacks off at work, he enjoys passing the hours working talking with costomers and playing with random gadgets.
o Voice: Issai from DA PUMP
o Zodiac: Aquarius