Samantha Nowinski

Peacemaker Aqua Marine Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

Age (when first appeared): 16

Birthday: November 2

Blood type: AB+

Family (or what she used to have): Father (Pete), Mother (Marc), Ric (older brother), Amethyst (younger sister)

Height: 5'5"

Weight: 117 IBs

Skin color: Aqua-green, an unusual color for Irkens

Color eyes: (Irken) Deep blue (Human) Brown

Hair color (human): Dark brown

Hair style (human): Leaves it down; waist-length

Irken?: Yes; an Irken peacemaker.

Human?: Yes; her father was an halfbred of a human. I'll explain in a minute.

Usually wears: Aqua usually wears any type of clothing, starting from the Goth style, to the prep clothes, and all the way down to very simple clothes. Aqua wears whatever she feels like wearing. When it comes to simple clothing, Aqua wears anything in the color dark green, purple, and orange. She rarely wears anything in her eye color like an Irken peacemaker's supposed to. Her reason? "I don't like the color blue that much".

Accessories: Aqua has a watch connected into her vein around her wrist. The vein that is connected helps turn her into either a human or an Irken at the touch of a button. Her watch can also track down any ships, people, or anything else in an area, sort of like a radar. Aqua used to have a SIR unit, K.I.R. She also has a laser gun and a sword that she uses during battle.

Abilities: Aqua has the abilities to fight, heal, and can also disappear and reappear like a death Irken can; she just never does it. Aqua's healing came into full power when she was ten years old on planet Irk; it's the main reason of why Aqua was an outcast during her Irken Academy days. The kids used to attack Aqua whenever she was walking home. So, secretly, Aqua taught herself how to fight with the help of her friends (sometimes). She taught herself an ancient fighting technique that was long forgotten through the peacemakers but was well known throughout the death Irkens. With this handy ability, Aqua used it to her advantage against the kids at school. Since then, they've feared her gravely because her unusual fighting techniques were no match against the peacemakers' usual techniques, so they stopped bothering her. Aqua's ability to disappear and reappear? Honestly, no one knows how Aqua learned that ability. It could be that her father could do it, since he was a powerful Irken, or Zei probably taught Aqua how to do it, but no one definitely knows why she does. Oh...yeah, and she can make food pop up out at random. lol

Weaknesses: Unfortunately, Aqua doesn't fight as well as she used to anymore (but still, she's pretty damn strong even now). When she was fourteen years old, Aqua got into an accident, and, as a result, it weakened her knee bone so much that she can't run, jump, or fight as quickly as she's needed to. The best she can do is jog and walk her way to somewhere. Aqua's eyesight is also a disadvantage. It's rare for Irkens to get glasses, but some do because of one reason: they get it when they're horribly sick. Aqua, as a young child, got horribly ill when a virus was running around through Irk, and Aqua, unfortunately, caught it. Aqua was cured, but her eyesight got really bad. Without her glasses, most of the time she can't see. Throughout the peacemakers, they see that as a sure sign that a peacemaker with glasses is either A) unhealthy, or B) is weak in fighting abilities. Plus, Aqua gets squeamish at the sight of blood.

Good Qualities: Aqua's kind hearted, and she's always concerned about other people. Aqua also knows when to be serious when things, when they're not supposed to, are taken lightly. She can also settle and/or end an arguement. Because of her innocence, Aqua always looks on the bright side of things instead of looking on the wrong side. Aqua doesn't let insults get to her; she attacks her enemies head on, also, but she doesn't do it unless she has a good stradegy. And Aqua can get a little crazy when her time comes..^^;;

Bad Qualities: Aqua, sometimes, can be too serious, but she makes up for that with her warm personality. Sometimes, Aqua can be scary, too (not as bad as Zei, but you get the hint, I think). And boy, does Aqua have a hot temper. She's stubborn, too, which can be a disadvantage if you're TOO stubborn, but Aqua seems to have that under control (I think o.o).

Friends: Tai, Meg, Por, Zei, and she helps Rem out in the medical ward in the Death Irken palace here and there.

Crushes: Aqua's had a crush on Kei for as long back as she can remember. But along the way, she also developed a small liking for Zei. Soon enough, though, when Kei revealed his feelings for Aqua, Aqua and Kei got seriously involved. Her crush for Zei is still there, though; it's just not as strong anymore (in other words, nothing serious).

Enemies: Martin (sometimes), Ziera (sometimes), Ric (her own brother), Amethyst (yes, even her own sister, too)

Family History: Amongst the way on Pete's (Aqua's father) side of the family, an ancestor (Irken peacemaker) landed on Earth, and met an human girl. The two got seriously involved, and the Irken took her back to his home on planet Irk. From there, they had children of their own, and soon enough, it all came down to Aqua's family in the present.

Biography: With the heart of a child and with wisdom beyond her years, Aqua is known to be the true idol of what a peacemaker should be: brave, outspoken, and knows when to keep her mouth shut when the time's right, but she also butts in on other people's business when she finds the need to. She was only a year old when she lost her mother, and she was only four when she lost her father to Lord Ziera and his army.

Since then, the rest of Aqua's family got torn about. Before her father's death, Ric, her older brother, was taken from the death Irkens, and was raised up to be a death Irken soldier. Amethyst rebelled against the peacemakers, and ran away and became an invader...well, a mysterious invader that appeared out of nowhere, and she's called "Skull" by the peacemakers because she's known for causing a high rate of deaths (more than Zei, even). The only piece of information that Aqua has left of her siblings is that Ric was taken from her father by Lord Ziera, and a note from Amethyst from the time she ran away.

Soon enough, though, Aqua moved on with her life. But when she turned fifteen, the peacemaker domain and the peacemaker emperial city were attacked by a mysterious race and the death Irkens. Kei and Tai left Aqua to safety and Aqua took off in a voot runner. Six months later, she was on Earth. She built her own base, which was a good house that was big enough for anyone (think of a mansion, except not as really big). Afterwards, after Aqua got her disguise, she put up a "for rent" sign and ad...and soon enough, Aqua met up with the gang.

...Then one night, on her way home from Best Buy, Aqua met Zei...and that's where everything began.