Matthew Sarginson

Nitro Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

Nitro is one of the Nazty Boyz and the second smallest of all of them, but even though he isnt the smallest, he gets all the flak about being small, which isnt a good thing when you consider exactly what Nitro is, a small robotic experiment in war machinery, Nitro is the only one of his kind, after being made as a prototype for the Explodo-robo range of walking grenade robots, the company making him ran out of funding and shut down the project. Kragoth bought the company when he became his evil emperor self and with it bought the original prototype, Nitro. he decided to give him A.I and a personality, a completely random one at that, which turned out to be sarcastic, synical, aggressive with a SEVERE inferiority complex, which does NOT go with a walking grenade, with one slight thought....BOOM! he can go up with anything from the force of a small firecracker to a force that can demolish entire buildings....but thats not the end of him...nope...hes in pieces...but a small orb of energy rises up, and draws the parts together, attaching together again, and Nitro is remade, ready to explode again! Nitros area of the Nazty Boyz "not so secret secret Headquarters" in an abandoned warehouse on the out-skirts of eden city is laden with Dynamite, bombs, gun powder, and very little else, being a robot he only needs to plug himself into a wall socket to re-charge everynight, he has no use for a bed. Nitro is best pals with Stealth-Scream, no-one really can figure out why, hes a bit of a suck-up to Slice. Nitro acts brash, and strong when he is with his fellow Nazty Boyz, he always throws the 1st insult or makes the 1st attack, but when alone, hes normally a coward who tends to surrender very quickly. Nitro hates all the good guys, but hates Surf most of all, and always tries to blow him sky-high whenever he gets the chance, Nitro spends his spare time reparing himself or watching TV with Thud and Ele-Mental, of course, he isnt going to get a long conversation with either of them....Nitro is definately a force to be reckoned with despite his small size, as well as blowing up himself he carries more explosives than a large army, and uses them at any time he wants...got that? looks small, acts tough, fights big. thats really all there is to the walking grenade known as Nitro