Matthew Sarginson

Pterror Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

Pterror was once a hopeful new experiment, thought to be used in demolitions and chemichal war-fare, he was given the DNA of blood taken from a Mosquito incased in Amber, mixed with that of a Gorilla, this resulted in his creation, a large Pteradactyl with huge muscles and a powerful temper, Pterror is the suck-up of the Nazty Boyz, hes always trying to work his way up the ranks and reach top spot, always kissing Slice's feet and bowing to Kragoth, Pterror will do whatever's asked of him, no questions asked, if Slice told him to walk off a cliff, he would just reply "Which cliff?" Pterror is not clever in the least, and sometimes, he can be nearly down to Thud's Intellectual level.

Pterror used to be a good guy, believe it or not, but it was his powers that made him unpopular, his ability to spit out highly acidic green slime, that can dissolve even the strongest of metals in mere moments, was not exactly the prettiest sight, he got a lot of flack about his powers until he eventually left the good guys base, and while in a slump of depression in the middle of nowhere, was found by Slice, who was recruiting any drop-outs for the Nazty Boyz, Pterror saw his time to shine and signed up instantly.

Nowadays, Pterror has gained very good control of his acid spitting ability, and can easily bring down a safe door, or just melt the lock off a simple house door, though unliked by many, Pterror has found new hope with his new best friend and worshipper, Ricky the mouse, who idolizes Pterror because he saved his life.