Lindsey Morehead

Mercenary Bliz Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

Age: (they age a little bit slower than irkens) 112:human, 14:irken Height: 5'0" Weight: 60LB (if you were as skinny as her, you would be too) Eyes: Dark Emerald Skin: light pale greenish blue

Bliz is not exactly an irken, but a subspecies. She was the result of a cloning accident, along with 2000 others like her. The army of 2000 was being trained by irkens that secceded from the tallest reign. They were planning mutany on the tallest, but something went wrong, and 2000 "irkens" dwindled down to about 200. Bliz was lucky enough to escape the plague that killed all the others, and fled from the harsh training that was being forced upon her. She came upon Irk and the tallest. She begged them to let her serve them instead of her creators. The tallest were disgusted by her...not irken enough appearence, and shunned her. Until one day, enough convincing and hard work for the tallest, (mostly bringing them food snacks, and letting them throw the trash on her) they reluctantly agreed to give her a job as a spy. Since she was different from irkens no one would suspect her as one. She is a mercenary, and a leader at the irken academy, using the training she recieved to teach the to-be invaders. She fell in love with one of the invaders named Miid. It must be said that he is one little hottie irken. After one date they found themselves completely wrapped around eachother, and are still today a very cute couple.