Shannon McCleary

Faen, Zettu and Chocolate Wolf Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

Faen Faens' Furc desc: Dressed in a fancy black and white tuxedo with a long black coat tail. A white ruffly shirt sits tucked between the long jacket. The sleeves are long and reach just to her slender paws. Around her neck she wears a large red bow loosly tied. Her pants are black and baggy, loose around her legs. Her bare feet are covered by the pants. On her head she wears a large top hat, wrapped in thick chains with two large holes for her mustie ears to fit through. Other stuff: Age: 17 Weight: 143 Height: 5'9" Characteristics: Preferes female company, grouch, mean and a bitch. :3 Faen also has the ability to shape shift into a wolf when ever she pleases.

Zettu Zettus' Furc desc: Hey boy, take a look at me - Let me dirty up your mind - I'll strip away your hard veneer - And see what I can find - The queerest of the queer - The strangest of the strange - The coldest of the cool - The lamest of the lame - The numbest of the dumb - I hate to see you here - You choke behind a smile - A fake behind the fear - The queerest of the queer - This is what he pays me for - I'll show you how it's done - You learn to love the pain you feel - Like father like son - Queer By Garbage Other stuff: Age: 22 Weight: 131 Height: 5'9" Characteristics: Cruel, doesn't like people, cross-dresser.

Chocolate Wolf Choclate Wolfs' Desc on Furc: A wolf once forgotten now is back. Her chocolate coloured coat still shines brightly in the sun. Her eyes still show wisdom and intelligence. Her muzzle is thick and strong, full of healthy teeth. Her legs are thick and strong, makeing her a quick runner and at the end lay massive paws. Her tail is held high give a feeling that she was once an Alpha female of a now lost pack. She still wanders now by herself, but is always willing to make a couple new friends along her path. Other stuff: Age: 3 (wolf years) Weight: 101 Height: 3'11" Characteristics: Doesn't like to hang around groups of people and has been known to sit alone for hours. She sometimes like to be with people and sometimes she doesn't.