Meaghan Edwards

Cheif Agent Steelbeak Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

Alright, Steelbeak isn't my character, but since I draw him quite often, I thought I'd place him in as one of the three characters I feature in the Character Biographies.

Who is Steelbeak, you ask? He is a rooster with a metal beak and one of the main villains featured on the Disney Afternoon show, Darkwing Duck. I fell in love with him ten years ago, and just a year ago, I "rediscovered" him after finding a old tape with some DWD episodes on it.

Steelbeak is a very special kind of Disney Villain. He is original in every way; he lacks the British accent, the aloofness, the booming laugh and the distracting sidekicks that many of the villains have. Steelbeak is suave and unpredictable; one moment he's chumming up to you, and the next moment he'll want to stab you in the back.

I find him to be very a endearing and mysterious character. He's an enigma, someone who you can't completely trust, but yet ya gotta love him. Steelie has everything a gal would want in a guy; he's handsome, rich and is cute to boot!

Steelbeak's background isn't really known; he mentions that F.O.W.L (Fiendish Organization for World Larceny) has given him the beak, but it is never mentioned just how and/or why he got it.

Steelbeak is often the main subject of my fan fiction, and I have paid special homage to him on my website, License to Steel. If ya ever want to know more about Steelbeak, go there :)

Weight: approximately 250-300 pounds Age: 40 (I learned that in a dream) Height: approximately 7 feet from top of comb to the soles of his chicken feet