
Antares Starsight Character Reference

Species: Star Guardian
Birthday: 25/01
Age: Teenager
Place of Birth: Fixianor Space
Height: 9'4'
Orientation: Bisexual Biromantic
Gender Identity: Demigirl (AFAB)
Pronouns: She/They/Fae

My fursona!!

Antares is a princess of her kingdom; Fixianor Space. She's very cold, suspicious and distant towards others - has a hyperactive side which can result in her becoming overbearing or even hazardous at times. Lacks a brain-to-mouth filter

Also there is something severely wrong with her irl (Autism/ADHD/Social anxiety) - pretty mentally ill but the extent of this isn't really known to others due to her habit of internalising symptoms of stuff

She's just kinda stupid

Very distrusting and suspicious of others but can warm up if she grows comfortable enough - doesn't get too close in any form of relationship though. Quick to react with violence if she feels threatened or attacked.

  • Antares was my first proper sona, named after the Antares star. Her idea came when I was stargazing in Italy one night, and saw the star's name listed on the app I was using to help me.
  • She was first drawn in November of 2019, the same year she was originally thought of.
  • She is one of my oldest still active ocs.
  • Originally, Antares was a creature that emerged from an abyss that wandered Mainland Fixianor, her appearance creating Ina and the other spirits, and she had a clone created by a scientist. This has since been changed.
  • Antares often struggles to hear the lyrics of a song over the actual music, despite having six ears. She also can struggle to make out the words if said singer is mumbling or saying them quietly.
  • She doesn't like it when her vision is even slightly obstructed when she's at the theatre.
  • Antares is a vegetarian, and has been since she was little.
  • Antares struggles greatly with communication with others, holding eye contact, and being in public spaces for too long. She has been known to feel disgusted and self-conscious when she hasn't been alone for some time. Cannot function well in busy places.
  • Antares has a very scattered music taste, but has been known to enjoy hyperpop, alternative pop, happy hardcore and some indie rock. A lot of electronic music is considered a 'hit or miss' to her, and finds it harder to enjoy anything outside of hyperpop and happy hardcore.
  • Antares has a hatred of presenting herself as too feminine, disliking wearing dresses, makeup, painting her nails or wearing fake eyelashes. She does have a soft spot for jewellery and perfumes though. Her favourite clothes to wear are typically hoodies and pyjamas, she dislikes getting changed too much and doesn't put too much effort into her appearances.
  • Antares is very territorial and will often gatekeep certain areas whenever she's around. She displays this behaviour over items, too, having a big hoard of plushies, sculptures, books, and other miscellaneous items, that she dislikes being touched or taken from her.
  • She enjoys reading, but must be in a quiet space with very little background noise in order to be able to, lest she be stuck reading the same paragraph over and over. She struggles to concentrate in busier areas, with lots of noise.
  • Tarrie struggles to understand a lot of things if not worded in certain ways, especially in physics.
  • She often hisses and growls when angered. A lot of Star Guardians do this, but Tarrie displays this behaviour much more than the likes of others.
  • She believes in reincarnation, and isn't religious, though does find religious stories rather intriguing.
  • Being alone
  • Horror
  • True crime
  • Drawing
  • Writing
  • Sleeping
  • Eating
  • Sugar
  • Travelling
  • Fantasising
  • Reading
  • Experiencing something new
  • Rollercoasters
  • Reptiles (especially snakes)
  • Avians
  • Animals
  • Astrology
  • Astronomy
  • Music
  • Watching TV
  • Fairy lights
  • Fuzzy blankets
  • Decorating
  • Gold
  • Crowds
  • Stress
  • Others around her age
  • Feeling sick
  • Feeling tired
  • Loud noises
  • Bright lights
  • Pain
  • Needles
  • Danger
  • Death
  • Young children
  • Work
  • Tight clothing
  • Cramped spaces
  • Sharing
  • Not being 'unique'
  • Brats
  • Pressure
  • Being distured
  • Being left out
  • Makeup
  • Fake nails/eyelashes
  • Formal attire
  • Acid
  • Nettles
  • Animals that sting
  • Spiders
  • Mice and rats
  • Dirt
  • Clutter
  • Not getting her way
  • Being short
  • Being a minor

Uhhh wip

Family and Friends:
  • Father: Sunny
  • Mother: Hamal
  • Siblings: Tenebris
  • Aunt: Alcyone
  • Uncle(s): Procyon, Alkaid (†)
  • Grandparents: Canopus, Castor, Acamar, Alamak
  • Second cousin(s): Earendel (†), Arcturus, Kentaurus
  • Ancestors: This mf has too many