
Paradox Character Reference

Species: Helicopter Jovian
Birthday: 25/01
Age: 10000+ (chronologically)
Place of Birth: The Dark Forest, Jovia
Height: 20'1'
Orientation: Greyromantic Pansexual
Gender Identity: Cis Cassgender Male
Pronouns: He/Him

STUPID GUY who tries too hard to be emo

He's the ruler of the Helicopter Jovians who reside in a clan within the treacherous Dark Forest on the planet Jovia - the Helicopters are known for their violent tendancies, taking after their especially violent leader. Paradox has very intense relationships with the other Jovian rulers and has an array of strange, as well as questionable, beliefs. Was once a normal Deity who worked alongside the other, but after a couple of negative events which affected his view on the other clans, he decided to turn to evil.

Very bouncy and hyperactive - has a habit of faking his personalities to gain the trust of others only to turn against them when they're the most indebted to him. Lacks empathy and often defies the orders of others - having trouble recognising authority figures aside from himself.

Loves sugar and eating in general - will eat anything excluding most meats (aside from Jovian meat), seafood or anything overly sour, bitter or spicy (especially the latter). Cares ferociously for the wildlife in his home and isn't afraid to take action against those who try harm it.

Heavy magic user - trying to improve his magical skills in hopes of one day overthrowing the other Deities and claiming Jovia as his own.

  • Paradox/The Paradox Demon isn't actually his real name, but he dislikes his real name, so he prefers using his alias.
  • He has a terrible spice and heat tolerance. Due to being primarily black in colouration, he overheats really easily, which can cause him to pass out, and his robe doesn't necessarily help with this, either.
  • He has good night vision, which is why he doesn't really need his headlights.
  • He has a fatal flaw in his chest, a magic core. Basically, he (and the other Deities) has a magic core in his chest which fuels his magical energy and allows him to use and harness magic, but if it gets damaged in some way, it'll cause him a lot of pain and will kill him quite quickly. This is why he wears a robe, it's enchanted to protect his chest from harm so he doesn't die.
  • He prefers baths to showers and insists on having bubbles every time he bathes.
  • He smells of lavender, and due to his habit of chewing on peppermint leaves, his breath smells of mint.
  • His magic core allows him to heal wounds extremely quickly, even lost limbs. If he loses an arm or even his head, it'll simply reattach itself, and if it was completely destroyed in some way, it'll grow back, good as new.
  • Despite having good healing powers and magic, he isn't immune to diseases. While he won't die from them unless they're very serious (such as the Scourge of Paradox, the disease he himself created), he can't heal himself when he gets sick as magic spell functionality is hindered.
  • His golden antlers are sought after by many Jovians, and have attempted trying to hunt Paradox just to get their hands on them. Although not made of real gold, they are beautiful, and no other Jovian is able to have horns just like them. Because of this, Paradox would attack and even kill those who seek his horns, or even just a tiny piece of them, as he believes that his antlers are what 'makes him himself'.
  • While he has nothing against males, he finds that he gets along better with females, and thus prefers them as his higher-ups. This doesn't make female Jovians from other clans exempt from being devoured, however.
  • He has banned his clan from hunting and/or eating Deer due to his fondness of the animals, not to mention many of his underlings would mistake him for a Deer and shoot him with sedative darts from their guns prior to the ban. He has gained a slight immunity to sedatives due to this.
  • Unlike the rest of his clan, he holds different parenting ideologies and nurtures those who he cares for rather than neglecting them like other Helicopters, leading for Carbon, his adopted daughter, to have a good relationship with him.
  • He often dismembers/disassembles himself for fun, pulling off his arms, legs, or even head. He has limited control over his body without his head, as he doesn't die from it, but has trained himself to be able to control his body a little better than the other Deities when his head isn't attached.
  • Paradox frequently thinks deeply about the world and wonders if he will one day truly die, like others, as he has lived for millennia. He wonders if he actually does have parents he doesn't know about, and what the true purpose of his life is.
  • He tends to pull out his own fangs and make weapons such as spears from them. He insists they're bones or really sharp white rocks, but many know better. His teeth always grow back whenever he pulls them out.
  • His golden antlers are the only body part that Paradox cannot regenerate if he loses, so he's really afraid to lose his horns.
  • Paradox will go out of his way to avoid being touched as he hates it, but strangely enough, doesn't mind to invade the personal space of others and will often grab the hands or arms of another if he wishes to take them somewhere. He doesn't mind using force on another if he wants them to go along with his way.
  • Paradox distracts easily and has to look at something unless he will get bored, leading for him to stare at others a lot. He is entranced by shiny things and likes to collect trinkets, having a keen eye for anything valuable he comes across when out and about.
  • He has a hatred of anything to do with science, technology or the future, as it reminds him of Stellar.
  • Paradox often puts on a 'radio presenter' voice whenever he's speaking to someone who isn't from his clan, or even the other Deities. He doesn't know why exactly he does this, he just thinks it's fun and often does it out of pure instinct.
  • Gold
  • Jewellery
  • His clan
  • Himself
  • Nature
  • Blood
  • Eating
  • Nighttime
  • The stars
  • Competition
  • Tricking others
  • Sharpening his teeth & talons
  • Wood carving
  • The sound of static
  • The sound of rain and thunder
  • Music
  • Singing
  • Dancing
  • Scaring others
  • Murder
  • Shiny things
  • Sleeping
  • The other Deities and Clans
  • Not getting his way
  • Cramped spaces
  • Intense heat
  • Dust
  • Most bugs
  • Seafood
  • Eating forest animals
  • Spicy food
  • Getting wet
  • Pressure
  • Not feeling clean
  • His sleep being interrupted
  • Being ignored
  • Not being feared
  • The felling of trees
  • Feeling tired
  • Feeling sick
  • Losing his deputies
  • Anything bigger than him
  • Taking off his robe
  • Strong repugnant smells
  • Sudden movements or loud sounds
  • Leaving the forest
  • Getting his antlers stuck
  • The texture of cardboard
  • STELLAR: Arch nemesis/former love interest
  • CHARDONNAY: Enemy/Associate
  • CAREY: Associate
  • DRONEY: Enemy/Former best friend
  • KYSHTYM: Friend/Underling
  • SHIMA: Friend/Underling
  • SERAPH: Friend/Underling
Family and Friends:
  • CARBON: Adoptive daughter
  • ATLAS: Creation/Parent figure