@RainbowDoggieUnicorn || Journal Entry

so does anyone remember Nads6969?
07 Dec 2023, 11:20 PM

So If those who don't know who she is. she's was a Art Tracer who was fan of Sailor moon but was Tracing from 100+ artist and was pretty much was Tracing for 10+ years. She only got Exposed because DeviantCringe Exposed her for what she did. There were post on her for Tracing but barely got any Reaction from other untill DeviantCringe made that video. And Artist who got there art traced by Filed many DMCA claims from here a lot of them but they only Banned her because someone who art they got traced from her threatened to sue DA. Which was good but also DA should Banned her when got A lot of DMCA Claims because IIRC: if you get 3 DMCA Claims your Banned from The sites but she wasn't until that happened but shr did try to come back but her account would get banned.

Like if she was a Kid or Teen who don't know better I could understand but same them you really shouldn't do that. She was an adult who could have the time to draw. I understand it hard but sometimes it worth it.

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