Rykani Tamashii

Rykani Character Reference

Place of Birth:
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Since she's all over the bloody place in my drawings... she's the first to get a bio! Well, her full name is Rykani Ai Tamashii (yea, the name I use here... :P) which means roughly... Young Wind Love Spirit. She's a patikkatikkatutu hybrid (see those EARS and TAIL!? she is half animal... pluh) and she got the wings by killing an angel, and putting them on herself. The scar on her eye was from when she healed someone with her wings... the wound transferred to her, and healed, but left a scar... she has scars all over, but that's one of the more noticeable ones. She's around 420 years old, but the angel wings make her eternal, so she never ages, and rarely gets ill... but she can die, and HAS died, but people just are nice enough to revive her... She was married to IceWarrior (who's in a lot of my drawings lately too...) but that ended... sigh Bleh... life goes on, and I watch it go by, laughing like a mad woman! Er...