Anastasia Kraus

Shurrai Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

This is simply a Battle Bio. I still need a real background for her.

Name: Shuurai Aten - The Angelic Bolt Of Lightning! Attacks! Age: 18 Sex: Female Appearance: A slim white hedgehog..height of 5'8", with the weight of 123 lbs, stands ready. Her beam sword held at ready, it's blue-white blade glowing like a strip of moonlight in the dark arena. Her navy-blue hair is drawn up into a high ponytail, but even so, the ends reach to her small heggie tail. Her pert ears are peiced twice on each side, and on her hands are fingerless black gloves. Her narrowed eyes are a vivid blue, long lashes about them show her strong feminine side. Her fighting suit consists of tight laced knee-high combat boots with metal plates on the soles. Her shirt is navy, and on the front is a large lightning bolt, silk-screened in white. On one arm is a black armband, about three inches in width. Her black pants tuck into her boots, and are held up by a black belt. Persona: Light and agile, even in her heavy boots, Shuurai tries to live up to her name: The Angelic Bolt Of Lightning! Quick and eager to fight for anything with a good cause, she has high spirits and hopes, as well as a kick-ass laser sword. Don't mess with this gal, she'll slice you up into chopped suey. Her attacks are mostly lightning based, although she does have one simple psychic maneuver.

Weapons: Beam Sword, Silver Dagger, her own hands and feet.

Attacks: Lightning sword TWISTER! She amplifies the electric power of her sword into one giant swirlring beam of energy and electricity! Psyconosis. : She'll twist the adversaries mind to hear/see simple things that are not present. The only problem is..once the oponet realizes that what they see is not real, the attack will no longer work. Double Light ORB! : Jumping into the air, Shuurai creates two double electricity orbs with one hand that spin around each other to attack the enemy. Double Light Orb, BIND! : Preforming the same actions as before, with the exception that the orbs create an electric cage around the enemy, although it doesn't stay up for long (it uses her power to supply the energy to create the cage). Angelic Wing, SLICE! : Her Ultimate attack: She jumps up into the air and floats up about 12 feet, suddenly, electric wings burst from her back and sparks fly as ripples of electricity course over the wings and her body. Her eyes flare an electric blue and her arms streatch out before her. Her wings then emit several feather-shaped energy beams that slice into the enemy. Withen her outstreched hands forms a blue-white orb of light that she fires as the feathers attack, a deadly double attack. This is a very tiring attack for Shuurai. Shuurai can also deal in Hand-to-Hand combat, landing blows with her hands and feet. This is where her lightness and agility come into play, as she skillfully spins and punches and kicks in the magic dance of battle.Although, she's kinda a clutz at times..especially when pulling off Lightning Sword Twister and when kicking. Shurrai..like some, is a major donator to the food industry: She eats A LOT.