Neko Sama

The Hoshi no Senshi Characters Character Reference

Place of Birth:
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Hoshi no Senshi is a manga/anime that I am currently working on and one day hope to actually get published. It is set in an alternate reality where the future world, and universe, is being torn apart by an intergalactic war that has been going on since before anyone can remember.

Many planets and constellations have been given spirits by the complete power that is The Stars, in order to fight against the evil. Among these spirits are the Hoshi no Senshi, 12 warrior girls who derive their power from the 12 constellations of the Western Zodiac.

The story follows the 12 warriors in their fight and in their general day to day lives, from keeping their identities secret, defending Earth or passing 7th grade.

Read more here -> www.hoshinosenshi.vzz.net