David P

Dio Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

Age: 16 years
Eye Color: Black
Hair Color: Black
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 188 lbs.

Appearance: Despite being 16, due to his advanced aging as a demon, he appears to be in his early 20s, as he has since he was 13. He has a bishounen-type build, other than his horns, wings, and tail. He prefers black leather pants and sometimes a leather shirt with a white tank top in public, but once in a while he will wear tie-die patterned pants. In class, though, he just wears the normal uniform, modified slightly to allow for his wings and tail. No matter how contented he may appear, his eyes flare with hatred towards himself.

Personality: Dio is extremely shy and secluded. He is afraid that if he acts like he's happy, something terrible will happen to smash his spirit. He is also afraid to lash out against those who tease him, thinking that if he becomes too angry, he'll become evil. He often goes to confessional for commiting acts he thinks are sinful, but are in no way his fault. Both he and the women who he confesses to know that he really doesn't come to confess those "sins," but more to have some conversation and give penence for the deaths of his mother and the man who killed his foster parents. The nuns have tried their best to confort him about those deaths, but he is convinced he could have done something to prevent them.

History: Dio had a rough start. He was concieved of a human woman whom was raped by an incubus. The woman gave birth to him a short two months later, needing a cecerian section to remove him. She never awoke from the anesthesia. Dio lived in orphanages up through age four, but sprouted quickly due to his demonic lineage, taking the appearance of a nine-year-old. He was finally adopted, only to witness his new parents brutally slaughtered in a robbery only a few days after he came home with them. His rage exploded due to the sight of the deaths, and he blacked out. When he awoke, the murderer's entrails were in his hands. From then on he tried to kill his happiness and anger, hoping he would never experience that pain again. At age six, he was taken in by some nuns teaching a private Christian school (go figure), where he still lives today. He is especially fond of his fine arts instructor, Sister Mary-Benjamin, and the nuns who run the confessional, Sister Martina and Mother Agnes.

Abilities: Dio isn't sure of the limits of his abilities, but has seen a little bit of telekinetic and telepathic power in himself. One property of himself that he hasn't really noticed is the huge amount of pheromones he sends off when he sweats a great deal; he thinks that when girls fall all over him they're just fainting from the smell (to himself and straight males the pheromones smell like really bad B.O.). The only power he really has mastery of is flying for short amounts of time using his wings.