David P

Vein Atrium Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

Age: 16 years
Eyes: Gray
Hair: Green
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 192 lbs.

Appearance: Vein is extremely tall for his age, and somewhat slender, with a build like that of a basketball player. He has various piercings: his lower lip, his left eyebrow, both earlobes, his nose, his tongue, and both nipples. He keeps a bar through his nose rather than a ring, and his nipple rings are connected via a thin chain, which has a safety latch so that it unlocks if pulled too hard. He has a line tattooed on his face starting at one eyebrow, going down over the eye and below his chin, wrapping around to the other side over the other eye and brow, and another tattoo reading "Heaven" in gothic script below his navel. He has a scar on his left wrist from a failed suicide attempt. Despite all this, he has a very innocent-looking face. His hair is short in the back, with several locks in the front that cover his face and ears. He prefers to wear a pair of extremely oversized olive green leather pants, which sag at his hips, and huge, clunky shoes. He rarely wears a shirt, and if he does he'll lift the front over the back of his neck.

Abilities: In his last suicide attempt about four years ago (the scar on his wrist) Vein discovered that he had powers as a "Bloodmage." This means that he has the ability to control his blood outside the body, forming it into shapes for attacks or using it to enhance his own healing rate. However, this requires him to cut somewhere in his body, and thus he carries a small razor blade with him at all times, but he refuses to use the power unless it's a matter of life or death.

History: Vein was once an unstable wreck of a child. His mother died in childbirth, leaving his father as his sole parent. His father wasn't much of a parent though; he'd constanly bring prostitutes home, enlisting their "services" while forcing Vein to watch, claiming it was to "teach him how to give him grandchildren." If he couldn't find a hooker, however, he'd be more than happy to use Vein for the same purposes. Vein's first suicide attempt was at age 6, trying to hang himself on his bunk bed. He never seemed to be able to escape his father though; the man presented the front of a caring dad with a great job as a police officer. Vein ended up trying several methods, including overdoses of pills, hanging, and even guns. However, no matter what he did, he healed within a few days from whatever ailments he had, and was back at the mercy of his father. His final attempt was slashing his wrists, when he saw first hand, for the first time, that he had the power to heal himself with his blood. Later the same day, his father returned only to find his throat filled with spikes formed from Vein's blood. Vein had finally freed himself, at the expense of his mind. For the following four years, Vein went through intense psychotherapy, which helped him deal with the years of torment and revived his sanity. It was during this time that he began giving himself piercings and tattoos and developing his powers as a Bloodmage. He still suffers from nightmares from his past, but otherwise has dealt with it.

Personality: Vein is a very quiet young man, rarely ever speaking. Rather, he lets his actions and body language speak for him. If he does speak, it's normally in as few words as possible. His emotions are very timultuous, however, and if he becomes angry, he will fly into a rage, as if to destroy everything in his path. His views of a loving relationship are severly twisted by his abuse, and he is afraid of women who hit on him. He isn't afraid to cry in public, but tries to keep himself composed at least. He only smiles to reassure someone he's doing fine if asked, and the smile is usually halfhearted at best.