Noel Arentz

Aerindreah Charter Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

She was once my "fursona," the interpretation of myself in an online form, but has since evolved into a person of her own.

One of a race ever-so-affectionately termed the "Dreck," her English is laced with an accent roughly comparable to Russian. The land from which she hails was once planetary territory of the United States; the atmosphere of said planet was modified to their liking and soon became home to the animals of the world (for which there was not enough room, with the parasitic humans leeching all resources dry). Hundreds of thousands after Earth, the last remaining humans, cryogenically frozen and sent to the Dreck world as a last resort, were found on the far side of the planet and awakened.

Dreah is on the fence as far as her opinion of Humans and their science is concerned. She's very fond of human children, but wary of adults.