Ali Wagner

Marco Vasquez Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

Code Name: Gargoyle

Occupation: Struggling Artist

Age: 25

Height: 5’3

Weight: Erm.. Whatever makes sense here

Eye color: black

Hair color: black

Appearance: Marco’s darned cute. He’s got tanned skin, dark eyes, dark hair that could probably use a trim, but most likely won’t be trimmed for a few weeks at least. He’s short, though well built, but more on the scrawny side than the muscular side. His ears are pointed, part of his mutanty-goodness. And sometimes he’s got big, dark, bat-like wings coming out of his back.

Disposition: Marco’s pessimistic, paranoid, bitter, afraid of nearly everything, and won’t stop complaining for as long as he’s able to talk. Most of the time. He actually’s kinda pleasant if you.. No, that’s a lie…

Powers: Marco’s known as Gargoyle for 2 reasons. One is the large retractable bat wings that allow him to fly. The other is his ability to turn to stone. He’s got it mastered, for the most part. He’s not sure exactly what the deal is, but it has something to do with the stages of REM sleep. He used to be only able to do it when he went to sleep, but now he can control it so that he doesn’t go to sleep when he turns to stone… most of the time…

Special Limitations: Sometimes when he turns to stone, he falls asleep. He can’t help it. Just splash some cold water on his face. And then sometimes he’s not able to turn to stone at all.

Special Skills & Abilities: He can do anything in art. Animation, designing, ANYTHING!! MONEY IS NEEDED!!!


History: After the death of his father and “disappearance” of his mother when he was 11, Marco spent the years up until age 17 wandering around the country, trying not to be found by anyone. But eventually he found his way to the Xavier Institute, being treated as an X-man, despite his lack of interest in it.

Not long after he finished High School, Marco went to one of many art colleges that he had a scholarship for, studying a bit of everything, including fine arts, studio arts, film production, and animation.

It was in animation where he met Jared Springs and Daniel Vargas, both of whom were a bit older, more experienced students. The two were very talented, and oddly very interested in Marco’s work in animation. They convinced him to help out on a project they were working on, in animating a script Daniel had written. It had already been accepted by some major film studio, but the two had a very small budget.

After reading the script and acceptance letters, and a lot of convincing from Jared and Daniel, Marco finally agreed to help with the project, and for the next few years put plenty of time, money, and effort into the project. And through the whole thing, the two assured him that everything would work you perfect.

…Perfect for THEM! Not long before graduation, the two disappeared, taking everything Marco had worked on, and most of his money, with them. Neither of them were heard from again, and Marco never heard of the project he had worked so hard on.

And to add to that, after Marco had to pay off the loans he had taken out, he was near bankruptcy. He had just enough to buy a tiny, broken-down apartment in NY. He’s amazed anything works, especially with him having to decide which bill he’s going to skip each month. He always pays the electric bill, though, since he gets any commissions he’s requested to do over his website, showcasing many of his old doodles. Every so often he’ll get commissions for character design, logos for companies, or just drawings that someone happens to want. This is where he gets most of his money from. He also gets a few extra bucks by working at a pottery place.

Uniform: Marco still doesn't understand why you need a costume to help people out. If he's forced to wear a uniform, he wears his normal clothes, but a little sign around his neck that either says 'Official Moonthorn' or 'I'm with the Crew'