Lisa George

Morte Aeterna Character Reference

Place of Birth:
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A perfection in beauty, created to draw in the dark half, a cold and broken Hallelujah. A pretty face, to mask the darkness of her name. She is trained in the arts, as a priestess, and as a psychologist, her sole purpose, to find those in the dark, and conform them to the light. A dance of Hells fires, no better than those she seduces. Morte isn't very tall, only standing at 5 feet 4 inches tall, but she is graceful, her body that of a well traind Dancer. her curves falling in all the right places, the soft fur on her person, and her perfectly placed facial features making her quite beautiful. Her decent is strange to say the least. Her, and the rest of the kits in her litter are the result of a Fairy father and a Werefox in feral form.