Ashley McArthur

Jaspy Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

First off: The original.. She's been around for quite a while - my oldest and most favorite character to date. She's a little orphaned angel I RPed on AOL for a long time during my RP addiction, 4 or 5 years ago. Through her I met a couple of my dearest friends - Lynn and Moni - and it's through her I viewed things for a long time. I don't have many recent pictures of her original form - read Angie's profile for more details. =)

In a story I wrote (haven't seen it in years ^^;) Jaspy was a sort of princess in the kingdom of heaven. (I was 10 - deal with it =P ) Somehow or other she wound up on earth, first as JasperWing and then as an alternate self, AmberWing.. And next, after the story - came together during RP: Jaspy's sister was a child of nature, a faery named Hannah (Moni!).. The girls shared a father but had different mothers. Both were orphaned. (we never got around to deciding how!) She was in the orphanage when she came across Jet Morrison, a fallen angel (Lynn!).. Jaspy (and I) were crazy about Jet, I like to think that Jet meant to adopt Jaspy - but because Lynn lost AOL Jet had to go, and Jaspy became depressed.. Her wings faded from a lavender to a cool gray and her green eyes darkened almost to black.. That's where the story left off.