Ameigh Haley

Hoshiakari (Kari) Character Reference

Place of Birth:
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quiet but very friendly, and can appear a little misterious, it's hard to know what she is thinking of from one time to the next and if you can it is never quite all of it but she's not very reserved in her displays of affection. You can't ever quite know whether she has a crush or is just being her usual polite self. Kind too but she can be ruthless if your life's one purpose be to harm anyone she cares about and she may not look it but she is stronger than what you at first think (so far, of all my original characters she has the most complicated background I've ever came up with to the exception of just one other.) She's basically kinda a perfect mixture between a very loving person and an ultimatly destructive force. ^__^ Sweet isn't she?