Ameigh Haley

Zahi Character Reference

Place of Birth:
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He's in a fan fiction I'm writing and of all my male characters he's among my few favourates and one of the two Saiyans I have ^__^. He is sweet, rather on the 'safe' side but not unknown to be reckless just in a different way, kinda 'un-Saiyan' like but I figure he just hides it better, not perfect...lord far from it. People tend to feel he's a pushover (okay, I'ld be the first to agree but...) but he isn't always. When he's had enough, he has had enough...yet it takes a while to breach the 'enough' mark. I suppose an annoying thing about him is that he is so busy with other people he forgets to get a life of his own. Whenever he tends to do things for someone it is almost always to his detriment and he just calmly sits back and accepts it. I figure the main reason he tries so hard is because he's scared of loosing the people and things he is close to. He's a worrier as well, the man, or should I say boy...nah that's proberbly offensive he's 21 for crying out loud. Anyways, he could die of a nervous break down if he continues the way he's going.