Bailie Bowen
Deangilo Markee Character Reference
Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:
Age: 21
Alias: Dee
Belief: None
Body disfigurements: None
Bounty: 25,000 wocs*
Career: None
Eyes: Blue
Family: Unknown
Hair: Light brown and shoulder length
Height: 6'1"
Interests: Computers
Space craft: Pentium Nova
Space crew: Captain Iasu
Wanted for: Space officer impersonation, robbery, planetary and stationary astroid destruction, unauthorized weaponry, use of a restricted Pentium Nova space craft, and accomplice to Iasu the space pirate
Weight: 200 lbs (muscle weight)
Alias: Dee
Belief: None
Body disfigurements: None
Bounty: 25,000 wocs*
Career: None
Eyes: Blue
Family: Unknown
Hair: Light brown and shoulder length
Height: 6'1"
Interests: Computers
Space craft: Pentium Nova
Space crew: Captain Iasu
Wanted for: Space officer impersonation, robbery, planetary and stationary astroid destruction, unauthorized weaponry, use of a restricted Pentium Nova space craft, and accomplice to Iasu the space pirate
Weight: 200 lbs (muscle weight)
*One woc is the equivalent to 50 American dollars