Becca McCullough

Hibari, Kimi, Sean Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

Age: 16
DOB: March 28
Dislikes: Cantelope, humidity, schoolwork, being annoyed
Dream: To be a nurse or veternarian
Eyes: Blue-green
Fur: Light blue
Hair: Magenta, just past waist-length. Always braided.
Hates: Loneliness, strangers
Height: 5' 5"
Hobbies: Horseback riding, cooking, reading
Likes: Butterflies, vanilla milkshakes, bluegrass, forests
Loves: Rainy days, Alex, friends/family, horses
Markings: White muzzle
Build/figure: Slim and well filled-out; more developed than most of her friends.
Name: Hibari
Name meaning: Japanese for "skylark."
Nicknames: Hi'
Other information: Hibari's family lives on a small farm. Her parents had no sons, so Hibari and her two sisters ended up a bit rugged. Hibari, however, mantains an air of femininity despite her slightly tomboyish attitude.
Personality: Sweet, compassionate, natural, and cheerful; a sweet mix of feminine and tomboy. One would think Hibari would be a morning person, but she isn't. She loves to love and is trustworthy, honest, and open. What you see is what you get. She loves to help people and be of service.
Sex: Female
Species: Rabbit

Name: Kimi Name meaning: Japanese for "she who is without equal" Nicknames: N/A Sex: Female Age: 16 DOB: April 20 Height: 5' 2" Species: Angoli cat Fur: White Eyes: Dark aqua Hair: Brown, thick and rather bushy, short Markings: None Build/figure: Short; medium build, slim but not skinny Personality: Sweet and compassionate; has a hot temper. Obsessive-compulsive and a perfectionist. Artistic and creative. A bit pessimistic - doesn't have very good self-esteem. Loyal and trustworthy to friends; stubborn and dedicated. Hobbies: Sketching, reading, writing, napping Likes: Visual arts, drama, dance, music, literature, swimming, singing in the shower Loves: Friends, Mexican food, rainy days Dislikes: Clams, swimming in the ocean, gnats Hates: Cookie-cutter personalities, "lemmings," storms Dream: To be an author or actress Other information: Kimi is one of the only people in her "circle of friends" who likes school. She is involved deeply in the fine arts and literature; she has a habit of singing and reciting things to herself at random times. Sean is one of her best friends, but he ticks her off so often that she's usually screaming at him or beating him up. But that's okay - Sean thinks it's funny.

Name: Sean Name meaning: Irish form of John, "God is gracious" Nicknames: Mister Stick-Up-My-Butt Sex: Male Age: 18 DOB: September 13 Height: 6' 2" Species: Echidna Fur: Orange Eyes: Bright blue Markings: Peach muzzle Build/figure: Tall and lanky Personality: Has many little quirks. Tends to be annoying on purpose. Is capable of being perfectly serious but generally doesn't. Tries to keep a positive outlook and keep everyone else cheerful. Hobbies: Stalking Kaira, sleeping, cooking, cleaning Likes: Things being in order, bothering certain people, Kimi, swordfish Loves: Forests, making people feel better, people Dislikes: Mud, cigarette smoke, yelling Hates: Being ignored, rollerblades Dream: To have a family someday Other information: Sean has about a million personality quirks. For example, he's terribly obsessed with neatness and cleanliness (he threw a fit when Alex smudged a bit of mud on the carpet and insisted that it "smelled foul"): all the rooms in his apartment are set up with the furniture in a very neat, symmetrical pattern, but the colors clash terribly. He also is terrible at any sport of any kind, but he pretends he's good at them all. Also, he loves to stalk Kaira in search of an autograph (which is ridiculous, since they're friends anyway) and popping up in strange places (like the toilet and her purse), as well as hugging Eclypse, which makes her scream. He has a crush on Kimi and loves to tease her, especially about her height (he's a full head taller than her). He also cries during Disney movies, but if you tell anyone, he'll kill you.