Blizzard Wolf

BlizzardWolf Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

She's a white wolfie with blue eyes and her left eye is dark blue with a silvery-gray scar down it. She had red, white and blue wings and can SHAPESHIFT! She is very loving and fateful, and is well with secrets (Unless with Sabor! lol.) She also adores to make Sabor mad in any way (As in real life) and loves to taunt her! Also, she has a very special person for a Husband, (The unreal) Fox McCloud Grins widely She was my first character (Since I was 8. Whoo, longtime!) and will most likely go with me when I die. She started off in a chatroom, called FreeZone.com but when that closed, she died for a few weeks, until I got my first site (Still open-it's called GoWolf!!.) and then her life raised to the fullest and now everywhere I go, BlizzardWolf goes with me!

Oh, and she had gone through many changes throughout the years! Here they are. 1st Edition: Pure white with gray tips and silver bangs that hung over her eyes. She had reddish eyes. 2nd Edition: Normal white wolf with bright green eyes 3rd Edition: white with blue eyes, and rainbow wings. Introduced her ability to shapeshift. 4th Edition: White with blue eyes, a dark blue left eye with a silvery-ish scar down her entire side of her face, red white and blue wings and can shapeshift.